(6 replies, posted in Character Design)

Oh, sorry.  I forgot to mention last time.  If you grab the MMA pack (which I recommend for it's high quality animations), then you'll still need models.  There are a few free human models packs from the same guys:




The MMA animations will work with any models that are mecanim compatible, so all the above should work.

That bikers gang pack looks OK and does come in many formats.  But there's no way to confirm if it's mecanim compatible or not.  If it's not compatible, you're potentially wasting money on animations you can't use. 

Mecanim isn't the only way to have animations of course, as UFE does support legacy animation system.

The pack will "work", but that depends on what you mean by "will it work".  Any 3D model with any animation/rig system will work.  But if it's not mecanim compatible, then it won't offer you the nice mecanim features (easily share animations between models, get animations from mixamo store, visual blend trees for custom animations etc).


** This is updated to work with 1.5 **

I wanted to have my combo count display as it's being done rather than after the combo is finished, so I created a bool in Combo Options that allows it to be switched between a live update mode or the current default mode after the combo finished.  Live combo display would be better for MvC3 style game, where combos are common place or you want more instant feedback for combos connecting.

Here's the code I changed to implement it:

In GlobalInfo.cs,

public class ComboOptions {
    public Sizes hitStunDeterioration;


public class ComboOptions {
    public bool displayLive;
    public Sizes hitStunDeterioration;

In GlobalEditorWindow.cs (search for // Combo Options),

                        EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 200;
                        globalInfo.comboOptions.maxCombo = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Maximum Hits:", globalInfo.comboOptions.maxCombo);


                        EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 200;
                        globalInfo.comboOptions.displayLive = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Display Live Combo", globalInfo.comboOptions.displayLive);

                        globalInfo.comboOptions.maxCombo = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Maximum Hits:", globalInfo.comboOptions.maxCombo);

In ControlsScript.cs, look for:

        combohits ++;

and below add:

        if (comboHits > 1 && UFE.config.comboOptions.displayLive ) {
            UFE.FireAlert(SetStringValues(UFE.config.selectedLanguage.combo, opInfo), opInfo);

look for // Release character to be playable again,

UFE.FireAlert(SetStringValues(UFE.config.selectedLanguage.combo, opInfo), opInfo);


            if (!UFE.config.comboOptions.displayLive) {
                UFE.FireAlert(SetStringValues(UFE.config.selectedLanguage.combo, opInfo), opInfo);

P.S.  The anti spam captcha is annoying when you're editing code snippets tongue


(6 replies, posted in Character Design)

Have you looked at the Asset Store?  There's an MMA pack currently for $45 if that's not over your budget.


Also check out the 3D Model\Character\Humanoids section.  There's a bunch of free models, but most don't have animations.  But they're all mecanim compatible, so not a problem adding your own animations to them.

Can we please have both an On Button Release and an On Button Press as toggles in http://www.ufe3d.com/doku.php/move:input

This way, it's possible to have a special attack execute on both the Press and the Release.  Pretty much all command specials in SF2 do this (they are actioned on Press and on Release).  Keeping both as toggles should also allow for specific situations you don't want Press to execute (Balrog TAP, Zero's Buster as mentioned in Docs).  You can have the default setting to be On Press only, since that's what we should want for all normal attacks.

I believe I can currently get the intended above functionality by copying the Move file, and in the 2nd version toggle On Button Release.  But having a toggle for both would be much simpler and less cluttered. smile



(2 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Fantastic!  Thanks for that. big_smile

Great tool, btw.  I'm just loving being able to edit hitbox data on the fly.


(2 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Not sure if I missed something in the documentation, but is there a way to set your character unable to perform a projectile while their previous one is still on screen?