Topic: Poly count


Do you have any idea how many poly counts the model should be in order to work in unity? I am getting some models created and the modeler wanted to know. Also any tips on model making that would make it easier to import the characters into the game would be great.

Re: Poly count

My character models have around 10,000 triagular faces, and they work fine. If you check some models from ther games like street fighter 4 they have around 8,000 triangular faces.

Tha magic is in the normal maps.


Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.

Re: Poly count

Unity itself has no real limitations.  It's all about the target platform really. 

But here's some figures to help guide you:

  • SF4 averages 20k tris from memory (16k - 24k depending on the character).

  • MvC3 averages about 25k, but they can have up to 6 characters on screen at once.

  • GGXrd is 60k average, but they're a special case (with a very specific shader/animation requirement).

Most current generation hardware should be able to run with 40k characters fine, maybe even higher (80k works fine on my 2 yr old machine, for instance).

The most important thing to consider is balancing with the background as well.  So keep all those things in mind.  You can get really good looking models that are well under 12k if you also have really good normal maps, spec maps etc.  Also, a good shader is important, especially something that can do Sub-surface Scattering (look at Shader Forge, well work it's price tag).


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Re: Poly count

Thank you for the response. The information really helped.