Topic: Training Mode - Show Damage and Refill Health

Since the next UFE update is a few months away, thought I'd post this in case anyone else was wanting to get their training modes a little more fleshed out.

This is just a simple implementation of refilling health, with the time delay exposed under the Training Mode checkbox.  I recommend testing what delay works best for your game as each game will feel different, especially when considering wake up times.

In GlobalInfo.cs, after line:

public bool trainingMode; // NOT COMPLETE


public float updateHealthInSeconds = 3;

In GlobalEditorWindow.cs, after line:

globalInfo.trainingMode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Training Mode", globalInfo.trainingMode);


                    if (globalInfo.trainingMode) {
                        globalInfo.updateHealthInSeconds = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Update Health Time:", globalInfo.updateHealthInSeconds);

Then in ControlsScript.cs

    void Start () {


    private float trainingTimeToHealthFull;
    private bool trainingCanUpdateHealth = false;

… then, just under:

    void Update() {


        if (UFE.config.trainingMode) {
            if (trainingCanUpdateHealth && Time.timeSinceLevelLoad >= trainingTimeToHealthFull) {
                myInfo.currentLifePoints = myInfo.lifePoints;
                trainingCanUpdateHealth = false;

… and finally replace the whole private bool DamageMe(float damage) method with:

    private bool DamageMe(float damage){
        if (UFE.config.trainingMode) {
            trainingTimeToHealthFull = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + UFE.config.updateHealthInSeconds;
            trainingCanUpdateHealth = true;
        } else {
            if (myInfo.currentLifePoints <= 0 || opInfo.currentLifePoints <= 0) return true;
        if (UFE.GetTimer() <= 0 && UFE.config.roundOptions.hasTimer) return true;
        myInfo.currentLifePoints -= damage;
        UFE.SetLifePoints(myInfo.currentLifePoints, myInfo);
        if (myInfo.currentLifePoints <= 0 && !UFE.config.trainingMode){
            if (UFE.config.roundOptions.slowMotionKO){
                Time.timeScale = Time.timeScale * .2f;
                Invoke("ReturnTimeScale", .4f); // Low timer to account for the slowmotion
                Invoke("EndRound", 3);
            return true;
        return false;

Careful with that last one, there are two DamageMe methods, make sure you replace DamageMe(float damage) and not DamageMe(float damage, bool doesntKill)!!


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