Topic: About AI desirability parameter

I'm working a bit on some custom made AI files using the AI templates on UFE.

I can't get the right hang to it yet, and i was wondering, how does the FUZZY AI calculate the desirability parameter for the character, is some kind of random number or does it work in tandem between the rule compliance and aggressiveness level?


Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.

Re: About AI desirability parameter

Let me share my experience.

I will call normal moves that do not have any hit and just walk ,jump etc control moves.
I will call hit moves which gives hit to opponent.

Aggressiveness help the AI engine to give more priority for particular move type based on value selection.

If AI aggressiveness is less then 0.5 then it starts taking normal move on priority.

If aggressiveness is higher than 0.5 then almost the time it picks up moves that contains hit.

Rule compliance helps engine to select random move or follow rule only.

My guess value 1 will always take your rule on priority and any less number will allow random move as well>

I have managed game play with aggressiveness around 0.35 to 4 and rule compliance is set to 1.


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