I am using UFE from 1.6.
I have paid migration fees for UFE 2 pro as well.
Asset store has started showing buy again
What I am missing ? Do I have to buy again ( 3rd time ?)

I have sent you personal message with video which explains what I am trying to achieve.
please suggest which tutorial I have to follow for rigged weapon movement.

Animation type is humanoid and has few weapons bones and working well in unity inspector.
Animation not work during game play.
I mean rigged weapon is not actually moving any bone.
So what could be exact issue ?

What is the best way to deal with rigged weapon ?
Say openable sword , whip or nunchuks ?

I am trying to assign walk file move file instead of assigning animation in character file.
I tried for forward walk.
Animation is not working .
Tried with root motion on / off
Loop pose on

For move back I use direct animation
For move forward I used walk file ( move file )

Issue showing video :
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xzzgqX … sp=sharing

Image Captures For settings :
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … sp=sharing

What wrong I am doing .

For now I have to create many Character files for different different life points
Is there a way I can handle it with code instead making too many character files for player upgrade?
Also Can I add extra damage with multiplier at run time inside OnMove() method ?
How much performance drop it can attract or nothing at all ?


(4 replies, posted in General)

For hit particles like cartoon style look into asset store.
You will find plenty of them.
https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/v … aster-4010

You must go through documents for learning engine.


(4 replies, posted in General)

For cool 3d Text effect you can try text mesh pro which is part of unity.
No need to put video as prefab.

In many android device control freak functioning well but GUI is not displaying.
Is rewired is good option?
Any one here tried with it ?
What are other available option alternative to control freak for mobile device ?


(25 replies, posted in General)

What is your AI decision timing and directional padding ?
These 2-3 settings you can alter and check.
Put Frame rate as text in build and get idea.
How much frame rate is dropping.
After hour much time of play device get overheat ?
Generally 15 -20 min game play should be butter smooth and might heat after that little with very old mobiles.
New mobiles does not face this issue.


(25 replies, posted in General)

Good News !
I am glad I could help you.

Same happens with me.
On some phone it is showing and some phone does not.
Using unity 2019.3.10f


(11 replies, posted in General)

Okay let me download fresh template and compare all basic moves against robot kyle moves.
I will update you on this.

xFTLxKingPhoenix wrote:

One solution id making sure all falling , down and get up slots in your character file has an animation


(11 replies, posted in General)

Okay Let me do that.

MrPonton wrote:

Can upload the video to streamable.com


(25 replies, posted in General)

I wrote my AI rules based on moves and game play.
It is time taking process to write own AI template.
You need to study little bit more.

Basically different AI templates are for switching behaviors.


(25 replies, posted in General)

Do you see same level of performance with ufe kit default characters (3D)?
I am not familiar with 2d but as per my guess it should take less rendering time than 3D.

Please check it once.
And yes use baked light and mobile shaders.
You must get 60 FPS on mid range android device.

For AI template I use 0.22 - 0.08 time for decision and actions .
0.1-0.08 as directional padding.
0.17 - .3 aggressiveness.

Filters enable are
Hit Confirm
Hit type

Button sequence interval 1
Attack Desirability is clamp Sum.


(11 replies, posted in General)

Here is state detail when player is stuck in air.
State :Stand

Taking Off :False

Sub State :Stand

Potential Block : False

Is Blocking : False


(11 replies, posted in General)

You mean Air Juggle ?
in Hit Reaction Air Juggle is  is set to HiAirJuggle

Fall Down Air Recovey is set to none.

Stand up from Air Juggle is set to none.

I am not finding anything specifically labeled as AirHit reaction.
Can you please explain ?

MrPonton wrote:

What's your character's air hit reaction set to? Are there no errors displayed in the console?


(11 replies, posted in General)

@ Admin
This is asked so long ago , can you please help to give idea ?

You need to make two classes for each new screen you make and Screens are UI prefab.
If stuck ask me I can share info what I know.


(11 replies, posted in General)

Happening Only during Counter !


(25 replies, posted in General)

Open AI Editor.
Under Advance Option.


(25 replies, posted in General)

Can you change Fuzzy AI decision time and check ?
You are using 2D so I am not perfect guy regarding sprite and png.
I am using Ufe3d with 3d characters always.
CPU main thread time looks high to me for me it is always 12-12.5.
And FPS is around 80 plus in pc (not in android device  but I have managed 50 plus for mid range devices )


(11 replies, posted in General)

Can any one help to identity what causing player to stuck in air ?
Generally it happens when both are attacking .

https://drive.google.com/file/d/11e2NN8 … sp=sharing


(25 replies, posted in General)

There is always option in quality settings.
For short sound like punch, kick  and hit kind make them wav and for back ground music we can use OGG with load in back ground and streaming.
can you post your game stats ?
How many batches ?
How many poly in the scene ?


(3 replies, posted in General)

Mechanic is easy and working but any idea how to use such ropes?
Out of box question because it does not related to UFE I know .
Wish some one know how such rope can be thrown and increase in length when we are triggering projectile.