Thanks for the tips Mistermind. I went through all those to make sure I didn't over look them and they all were good. I did though messed with the blending in and out option for the animations and it worked thankfully. Now I'm dealing with the character turning around in the other direction when they get hit lol.

Here is a link to a video of my character turning to a direction really quick after each animation.

The prefab is turned 90 degrees on the y axis. I went through the animations and baked them into pose. If there's anything you need to help please let me know.


(2 replies, posted in Jobs)

Thanks A lot xFTLxKingPhoenix ill take a look at it. I never got a email saying if anyone ever responded to this post. Thanks again.


(2 replies, posted in Jobs)

Hey guys. We are working on a videogame and are looking for some advice regarding hiring programmer. We are a small team working with C# in Unity and using the UFE (Universal Fighting Engine) add-on.  We are looking to alter the code to better suit the mechanics for our game. Such as adding a stamina system, dynamic camera movement, additional height for blocking ect. If anyone has experience working with any of these systems or hiring a programmer/pricing please send me a PM.


(0 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Hey guys I want to change the gauge/meter into a stamina bar. Where it would regenerate slowly over time. Right now I don't see any options to have the gauge be full at the start of a match and have it regenerate slowly as the match progresses. The training mode has a refill option but I want a gradual refill and not a instant one.

If any one has any idea how to implement this please let me know!

Thanks guys!!!