(1 replies, posted in General)

Maybe "On Button Release" that is checked and "Forward" added first in your Button Sequence?


I'm working with sprites in my fighting game project. I setup the HitBox editor like the image below.

PunBB bbcode test

The white circle is called Spawn Point and is where the particle effect should be spawned.

Here is my Move File settings for Particles Effects:

PunBB bbcode test

And here is the Sprite which should be spawned:

PunBB bbcode test

But as a result, for some strange reason, it always spawns at 0, 0, 0 location instead of in my character's left hand (called Spawn Point as hitbox)
No matters what settings of Particles Effect I change.
And no matter where my character's position is.
Like the image below:

PunBB bbcode test

What could it be causing this? Possible bug?


(6 replies, posted in General)


Maybe it's me, but I'm a little confused because I see in your Move Editor a move called MAX_TAUNT_START. But in your debug info, the move that is being executed in the air is called MAX_TAUNT_R

Have you checked if in your move Max_Taunt_R has Players Conditions set up to be executed at the Stand in the Possible States option?


(2 replies, posted in General)

Thank you, Mistermind.

I'll give it a try and see what happens!



I'm stuck with root motions animations.

Especially when I want to assign them to a Move File.

After applying root motion to the sprint animation clip, it happens one of two things instead of what I wanted to achieve:

1. The character sticks in place, so he plays the sprint clip but doesn't move. Or,
2. The character moves but he suddenly returns to his original pose after the clip ends.

Is it possible a bug of UFE? 'Cause in basic moves of a Character File, the root motion clips work fine.

Here I have the screenshots of my setup:


Thanks, Mistermind!

However, my dilema is that UFE 2 Source has 199$ of price in my asset store account.
I guess 'cause I owned UFE 1 Bundle long time ago?

If that is the case, instead of 199$, how much money costs UFE 2 Source if I also have UFE 2 Standard?


Ok. I'll wait to see what Mistermind says.
Thank you smile


I'm planning to buy UFE 2 Source.
My quick question (which I don't know if it's old), is if I can pay the difference of UFE 2 Standard and UFE 2 Source to get the UFE 2 Source.
I want to clarify that I also have UFE 1 Bundle, which it already applies me a discount.
I just want to know if after owning UFE 2 Standard, it applies an extra discount to get the UFE 2 Source.

Kind Regards!

Hello, everyone.

My brother and me had published a videogame made with UFE on Steam.
But then we had an unexpected trouble.
We had lost almost all the project that contains this videogame:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/8577 … rs/?beta=0

So, we couldn't update it anymore.

By the other hand, because we don't want to give up, we decided to rebuild the project from scratch.

Basically we are looking for collaboration to rebuild our project again.

If there are anyone who could help us, it could be great.

Thank you.

PD: if it could be, I'd like to learn more from failures than success. And be more persistent with the project. I clarify this, because I am a disabled person.


At least me, I found that sliders are extremely difficult to achieve an AI that I'd like to be exactly I'd want.

I'm going to try a workaround that I discovered a months ago. For me it worked better than using sliders.

However, I'm going to study this workaround deeply. And when I had enough of time, I'm going to share it to all the UFE community smile

Thank you!

xFTLxKingPhoenix wrote:

try moving Robot Kyle Closer to the AI with your parameters set..

Hi. I tried this before. Unfortunalety, it doesn't work.
However, I tried to disable my desired AI parameters and enable the AI Conditions where "Any" value it's set to all parameters.
Then it works. But without the distance of the AI's opponent condition (and the opponent's move speed I guess).

xFTLxKingPhoenix wrote:

this could be due to your AI's range parameters. there are options in the AI window that say what is very close- very far

maybe that is range Mid. and if you step forward just a bit youll be close

Sorry. I don't understand. Do you mean the AI Definitions located in the AI Editor? Do you say that if I slide the values of Distance Slider Field I get close to achieve the AI Condition based on distance and speed of Robot Kyle Light Punch?


I need help. I'm trying to achieve that my character AI could react via filters. Or in other words, my character could react depending the opponent's move execution and AI definitions.

I disabled many filters of the AI Instructions because I'd only need Distance Range, Attack Type, and Speed Attacks to filter. Like the image below:


I took reference to Robot Kyle's Light Punch AI definitions to test:


Then I tried to match Robot Kyle's Move AI Definitions to my Character AI Instruction Conditions:


Based on my expecting, nothing happens. Like the image below, when Robot Kyle attacks, my character does nothing.


By the other hand, I saved one condition that filters any kind of speed, distance range, and attack types. So I enabled that condition and I disabled the other one who had my logic that I tried to achieve.


And after changing all filter conditions to "Any", it works.


So, after trying to match closely as posible the AI filters for achieve my character to react against a specific move (like Robot Kile Light Punch), what could I doing wrong?

Is it possible that filters works different that I expected?


I recently found the documentation that I needed to achieve the correct way for UFE update.

Thanks you very much smile


Thanks a lot, Twrmois!

I followed all steps and it worked like a charm! smile

However, I had to create a new project and move all previous files after updating UFE correctly.
I made the beginner mistake to import the new UFE version into my current project instead of understand the documentation. Which I tried to read it carefully, but some options were not visible in my editor.

The console showed me these seven errors before creating a new project and follow the secure way:

Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\UI_Templates\DefaultNetworkScreen.cs(5,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'NetworkGameScreen' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\UFE\Demos\Shared_Assets\Characters\Fydora\Model\Scripts\CS_AngularAndReturn.cs(74,28): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'HitBox' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\UI_Templates\DefaultNetworkScreen.cs(18,15): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'InputReferences' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\UI_Templates\DefaultNetworkScreen.cs(19,15): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'InputReferences' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\UI_Templates\DefaultNetworkScreen.cs(20,15): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'InputReferences' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\UI_Templates\DefaultNetworkScreen.cs(21,15): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'InputReferences' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\UI_Templates\DefaultNetworkScreen.cs(37,23): error CS0115: 'DefaultNetworkScreen.OnShow()': no suitable method found to override

Am I missing something that could avoid this issue next time? smile


As the title says. For some reason, I cannot see UFE 2.4.1 features (like "override basic moves with move files").

I tried to import UFE 2 Standard to an empty project (which I can see that its current version it's 2.4.1 in the Package Manager), and I cannot see any of these new features.

What could be I missing?


(9 replies, posted in 3D Gameplay)

Mistermind wrote:

Right. That was a feature that unfortunately I didn't have the time to work on yet. Currently the camera is set to always have Player 1 on the left and player 2 on the right.

I'll see if I can add that on a future update.

Great! I'll keep developing with 2.5D until I could update for the 3D combat smile


(9 replies, posted in 3D Gameplay)

Mistermind wrote:

3D Gameplay's hit and hurtboxes are limited by the use of spheres only. The 2D templates (specially those with rectangular hitboxes) might cause glitches like what you are seeing. Chances are your characters's hitboxes are incorrectly positioned in the 3D stage and are most likely pushing one another to the other side of the screen.

You're right. The only rectangular hitbox that I had was the Throw Collision. I changed it to sphere hitbox and the problem is gone. The character can move normally (move forward, backward, jumping, etc).

Except that the camera still flips the direction. When the character changes his position side, I figured out that the camera tries to do a very fast movement to "re-adjust" the characters positions. Which causes the Player 1 keeps stayed on left side and Player 2 on the right side forever.

Is there any way to solve this?


(9 replies, posted in 3D Gameplay)

Mistermind wrote:

Which version of UFE are you using (Standard | PRO | Source)?.

I'm using Standard version.

Mistermind wrote:

And are you using Animation Maps? If so, try to untoggle "use animation maps" under Character Editor -> Move Sets.

Sorry. But I cannot see where the animations maps are. I had a lost remind of seeing this option before, but now I cannot see it in Character Editor -> Move Sets.

By the other hand, I also saw a post that it's says that is recomended use character templates like Mike or Ethan. I tried, but it still flips the camera when the character goes to the opponent's side.

Another problem that I'm experiencing, is when I toggle "Allow Z Axis Movement" from Custom Controls menu (Character Editor), the character can jumping but not moving in the jump direction. Either jumping forward, straight, or backward.


(9 replies, posted in 3D Gameplay)


After watching other posts, I noticed that I needed to be clearer myself smile

This is the video that I'm talking about. And editing my previous post, after the camera flips, the character flips also and when a try to move, it seems like some gravity force is forcing the character to keep on the place where has landed before:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Sfnci9 … e=youtu.be

Hi there!

I'm experiencing this issue:

When one of my characters jump over the opponent, it seems that the camera flips on the direction where the character has landed. Then, it causes that the character, who should be on the right side, he keeps stayed on the left side. And after that, the character's movement flips also (moving on forward side when I press back button, moving on backward side when I press forward button)

What could be the problem?


(39 replies, posted in General)

Mistermind wrote:

I sent the update for UFE Standard yesterday. It takes a few days for the Asset Store to approve the update. You should receive an email from them when the update is live. I'll also post it here.

Excellent! Now I understand! Thank you very much for the clarification! smile


(39 replies, posted in General)


Sorry for asking again smile

I've just bought UFE 2 Standard. And something strange was happened.

I saw that UFE 2 Standard was updated to 2.3 version (that was the reason that I bought it)
But then, it says that the latest version of UFE 2 Standard is 2.2.1 and not 2.3 as it was appeared before. Even now I can see in the asset store that UFE 2 Standard is updated as latest version to 2.2.1 and not 2.3 like UFE Pro and Source, which currently I can see that these are updated to 2.3 in the asset store

As the result, I have no 3D Combat. Just the Assist Moves.

It's possible that I'm missing something?


(39 replies, posted in General)

I have a doubt.

I'm interested in 3D Combat, that requires to buy the UFE 2 Standard.
I can see in the Unity forum that UFE 2 Standard is 29$ for who have UFE 1.x Bundle. But when I want to buy it, in the asset store it says $49.

Am I confused in something?


(39 replies, posted in General)

Nice!!! Great!!! smile


(4 replies, posted in Showcase)

Ok. Now we've almost finished our first character (We need VFXs yet).
Some sounds, Music/Ost, and Stage Prototype were added. Hope you like it and any feedbacks are welcome smile


Gameplay link: https://youtu.be/OVQR8JCRWYc