you're right... as i'm the only one testing didn't think about that, not many mirror matches around... i'll desaturate the effect.
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Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Showcase → TZOMPANTLI
you're right... as i'm the only one testing didn't think about that, not many mirror matches around... i'll desaturate the effect.
Just noticed you released a new trailer. It looks awesome! Can I post it on UFE's youtube channel?
But of course, i've sent you a PM
Here it is! the very first Trailer for Tzompantli!
the demo is just around the corner (i hope) and i'm eagerly awaiting the new 1.6 version of UFE to start playing with the story mode.... IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME!
Thanks a lot to MisterMind for putting the trailer in the UFE Channel.
I love it when that Tiger Angel Guy pops up in that special attack
Thanks! i really love the effect too! so much fun...
here at home we just payed the apple development license (or whatever it's called) because it just expired on us so we can launch the app in iphone and ipad too... and i have a website for the project where i'll post some more intel on the characters, videos and such... much of the content is here too, but if you can stop by it would be cool!
Tzompantli running in an android device... it's a Sony Xperia... but not quite sure what model, not new though.
I've added a lot of artwork in the concept art section of the page
Hope You like it!
A lot of hard work working on the demo for iOS and Android (exactly 24 hours straight! but we got the arcade mode working!)
now that UFE 1.6 is available maybe you could think this was a waste of time, but so much work was done in 1.5, particulary in the GUIs and screens, that making everything again in 1.6 would take even more time... once we release the demo we'll focus sorely in the new version, but meanwhile.... … esarrollo/
the next fighter, made entirely in 1.6 is Román, a Mexican Federale that's pretty much a boxer character, steady and hard as nails!
Nice! For some reason, I assumed you were using Maya. Glad to see another Blender user!
Previously you showed high poly sculpts (they looked like it, anyway). Were those also done in Blender?
Is that a custom rig (not Rigify)?
If you ever have time, I would love to see some info on the Blender development side of your project, like how you took UFE into consideration. Since Blender is the most accessible [free] software for 3D creation, I think it would be good information for other developers working on UFE projects.
i've been eager to make a little pipeline video or post about the way i'm making the tzompantli characters... i think it's time!
Alright, al make a little tour about how i work with my tools, and what tools i use to make my TZOMPANTLI characters.
i never took a professional 3d software training, but i work in a animation school where they've teached Maya since like 2006... and i never got A THING about Maya... i think is really contra-intuitive... but i got a tip or two about 3d modeling. A teacher there recomended me starting with Milkshape, a very simple 3d program designed to make props for Half Life i think... and i really think i got the best of the software, made a lot of characters for a mugen game in there.
then i used BLENDER only to give the characters a CELLSHADE LOOK and render the sprites individually.
After finishing that project (ia fighter 5) i looked for new engines for new games and i came across OVERGROWTH, that isn't quite a fighting Game, but i bit fun yes. In the overgrowth forums someone recomended me SCULPTRIS, a free sculpting software from pixologic, and told me that the best way to create great looking low poly models with normal maps was creating a High Poly 3d sculpt and BAKE the normals from it.
downloaded the software... it's pretty fun and powerful, simple and clear, and went on to check about that misterious "NORMAL BAKING"...
Very nice hand painted concept. I feel like when this game is out Ill be using this bird character as a main
so, i learned to make 3d sculpt and super hi res models, so i needed to lower the reduce the poligon number, found this tutorial:
and this one … ender_2_5/
and then i used the high poly models from sculptris, reduced their polycount, and baked them...
and now you can use the normal map as a guide to paint the colors and textures for the character...
so now, i've used blender a lot, and so i was getting it, so the next was "well, i could learn how to create a skeleton and rig it now i think!"
back to the internet, a couple of tutorials
with this, i have a low poly model with normal maps baked from a hires model... made the skeleton from scratch using this tutorials, and i've reused it for all my characters, adding and removing bones as i see fit, for example in the angels wings and so on.
fortunately, unity is very compatible wit unity, so i only import my BLEND file to the assets and it inmediately creates the FBX file i use to create the prefabs.
That's pretty much my process for this characters, What do you think?
I think your end product is amazing. Looks great, and I wouldn't have been able to tell you didn't learn 3D traditionally. You're a true indie developer!
Ah, so your sculpting wasn't in Blender after all. Have you tried Blender sculpting tools? They're pretty good from what I've found.
Blendercookie is also worth the membership price, if anyone is interested. I don't have a subscription now, but I previously had a year's subscription and found all the content I was able to get (including back catalog) was amazing.
i've seen a couple of videos and some things are quite amazing, but haven't relly tried excepto for a very few things like smoothing some vertex or something. Sculptris is verygood, and free, XD
The demo is finally here! at least the PC and ANDROID DEMO! The MAC and iOS DEMOS will be available soon, as they're still awaiting aproaval.
you can find the links for BOTH versions of the demo here
Hope you enjoy it and can tell me what you think!
That a pretty move list you've got going there .
If you had to chance to play the demo, i would like to know, what are your impressions, or commentaries.
Are you using "root motion" in any of your animations? I'm asking because I'm having trouble getting them to work on our project.
Are you using "root motion" in any of your animations? I'm asking because I'm having trouble getting them to work on our project.
i imported an skeleton with a root joint into unity and the animations didn't work at all, so removed it and that made them ok.
i'll upload a little tutorial on 3D SCULPTING and normal BAKING SOON!
Here are a couple of screenshots from the actual build...
also, this is my 100th post!
Here are some new screenshots... i'll release a new trailer soon...
Evangeline is of course inspired by the anime series Evangelion.
Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Showcase → TZOMPANTLI
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