1 (edited by Steviebops 2015-12-13 22:00:25)

Topic: charge input

Is it possible to have a charge timer on the button execution as opposed to the button sequence?

I'd like to have one move for tapping ↑,↑

And a different one for tapping ↑ then holding the second ↑

This would be similar to Soul Calibur's system, where the double tap gives a short dodge, but the tap and hold gives you the quick step move that confers some invulnerability.


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Re: charge input

I think I know what you are trying to do. To make this example clearer, let's say you are trying to make a weak punch and a strong punch using the same key. By tapping it will have a weak punch, by holding it a bit a strong punch comes out. A similar logic can be applied to your problem:

- Make a move that has button 1 as execution and toggle On Press. Let's make this our "Strong Punch".
- Make another move that has button 1 as execution but this time only toggle On Release. This is our "Weak Punch".
- Under "Weak Punch", link "Strong Punch" under Move Chains -> Required Moves.
- Now under "Strong Punch" make it so "Weak Punch" can be Move Linked from frame 1.

When you execute "Strong Punch", if you release button 1 the move will immediately be canceled into "Weak Punch".

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3 (edited by abhishesh pandey 2015-12-21 01:57:31)

Re: charge input

hello mastermind ,
Fuzzy ai calling only tap input, not calling touch and hold input.
please reply me asap.


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