Re: Project Champion
Oooh okay. And what's weird, in my project, 3d hit detection is ON and the hitboxes areally offset like it's 2d.
Well I should clarify that that option only affects it at runtime, not when creating the hitboxes in the scene.
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Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Showcase → Project Champion
Oooh okay. And what's weird, in my project, 3d hit detection is ON and the hitboxes areally offset like it's 2d.
Well I should clarify that that option only affects it at runtime, not when creating the hitboxes in the scene.
KRGraphics wrote:Oooh okay. And what's weird, in my project, 3d hit detection is ON and the hitboxes areally offset like it's 2d.
Well I should clarify that that option only affects it at runtime, not when creating the hitboxes in the scene.
Thanks for clearing that up because I was scrambling to find out why the hitboxes are offset the way they are... I'm looking at legacy Mike and his hitboxes are placed just right on the character
where's your bone you're linking it to located?
Check that. It should be at the same location.
Oooh okay. And what's weird, in my project, 3d hit detection is ON and the hitboxes areally offset like it's 2d.
I don't think that setting will change how anything in the editor looks unless you're in play mode maybe.
where's your bone you're linking it to located?
Check that. It should be at the same location.
It is in the correct spot, it just not on the character like it should. I.E. The hitbox is not physically surrounding the hands. And the hitboxes are offset in the Z axis.
It is in the correct spot, it just not on the character like it should. I.E. The hitbox is not physically surrounding the hands. And the hitboxes are offset in the Z axis.
Does this happen when the game runs?
KRGraphics wrote:It is in the correct spot, it just not on the character like it should. I.E. The hitbox is not physically surrounding the hands. And the hitboxes are offset in the Z axis.
Does this happen when the game runs?
Well, I fixed it ... I forgot to put an animator component on my FBX
... so everything looks correct... somewhat... some of the hitboxes need to be corrected.
Not bad for my first time ever setting up hitboxes
Good morning, guys... so I finally got my game running in UFE (YAY!!!) and while I am psyched about it... I am trying to do some tests for it and I notice that when I play... the camera is not where it's supposed be. Here are some screenshots, starting with the settings.
The Original Camera settings
My project settings
The result of in game testing:
It looks like the camera is offset and I want it to match the camera that I am already using... is there a quick way to fix this.
FIXED: Tweaked the motion offset until it matched
Hey guys.. just stopping through for a moment to share a quick demo demonstrating basic movement and first time really diving into UFE. In this video, I was still tweaking the weight of the character and felt that it was too heavy. And the graphics displayed here are nowhere near the final graphics.
I will be changing up the UI considerably so that in bright levels with a bright sky, the bars won't blend in. Still more to come.
[media] … S4nmP9VI0/[/media]
Testing out root motion... the WalkBackwards will not work now because it doesn't have root motion on it...
Testing out root motion... the WalkBackwards will not work now because it doesn't have root motion on it...
Just temporarily set it to the WalkForwards, you really won't notice the difference.
KRGraphics wrote:Testing out root motion... the WalkBackwards will not work now because it doesn't have root motion on it...
Just temporarily set it to the WalkForwards, you really won't notice the difference.
I'm already working on walk back... it is going to be FUN working on all of this moves. I have an issue with the character spinning back really quickly... is there a way to fix this?
Also, I do remember that UFE creates a camera at run time... I wonder if I could use a script to add the posteffects I want per level so I don't lose the work I spent making them look really good... and also add a skybox to the scene and then destroy it all at the level exit. I may have to reach out for that or maybe someone could modify the level script to allow us to add what skybox goes where and post effects. Also retaining GI... is important
What would happen if I put the camera as part of the prefab?
Here is a shot of the 3d selection screen, though I am having some issues with the camera at the moment... it is too close and I want to pull it back a little... to see the entire level... what steps do I have to take to ensure this?
Right now the camera is WAY too close... and also, I want the character to not be a fighting animation, but more of an action pose in this screen... is there a way to do that which doesn't involve coding or anything like that. I figured something like this would come standard.
Also, when I test my interior level, the camera goes CRAZY... how would I fix this... my game works with a bare level... but not this one.
Gotta the level select screen looking good... now just need to figure out how to get the character into an action animation on this screen... or use a mask to fade part of the character...
Hey guys, I am working on my testing of my characters and I am noticing that if I play the game in the editor with the level, I lose my lightmaps which is set to Precomputed GI...
This is my level... look at all of that beautiful light...
And this is the same level in play mode in the editor... I just lost ALL of my baked data. Had to save a custom reflection probe...
Has ANYONE have a fix for this? I just discovered this and I don't want to deal with later in my development...
And also what is this warning for?
"Not Finished Rounds" Sprite not found! Make sure you have set the sprite correctly in the Editor
0x0000000140E4704D (Unity) StackWalker::GetCurrentCallstack
0x0000000140E48D71 (Unity) StackWalker::ShowCallstack
0x0000000140602A93 (Unity) GetStacktrace
0x00000001405FFE5E (Unity) DebugStringToFile
0x00000001406002BC (Unity) DebugStringToFile
0x0000000140E86EAC (Unity) DebugLogHandler_CUSTOM_Internal_Log
0x000000001DFD232B (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,string,UnityEngine.Object)
0x000000001DFD2215 (Mono JIT Code) [DebugLogHandler.cs:10] UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
0x000000001DFD1D78 (Mono JIT Code) [Logger.cs:42] UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object)
0x000000001E006E19 (Mono JIT Code) [UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cs:121] UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
0x000000001E0048A7 (Mono JIT Code) [DefaultBattleGUI.cs:325] DefaultBattleGUI:OnGameBegin (CharacterInfo,CharacterInfo,StageOptions)
0x000000001E004722 (Mono JIT Code) UFE:FireGameBegins ()
0x000000001DFF61F3 (Mono JIT Code) ControlsScript:Start ()
0x00000000021D68E2 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
0x00007FFC54F44FFB (mono) [mini.c:4937] mono_jit_runtime_invoke
0x00007FFC54E98341 (mono) [object.c:2623] mono_runtime_invoke
0x00000001403652AF (Unity) scripting_method_invoke
0x00000001404C9F0F (Unity) ScriptingInvocation::Invoke
0x0000000140347932 (Unity) MonoBehaviour::InvokeMethodOrCoroutineChecked
0x0000000140347A6C (Unity) MonoBehaviour::InvokeMethodOrCoroutineChecked
0x00000001403485E7 (Unity) MonoBehaviour::Start
0x0000000140348C79 (Unity) MonoBehaviour::DelayedStartCall
0x0000000140134CB5 (Unity) DelayedCallManager::Update
0x0000000140468A6A (Unity) PlayerLoop
0x0000000140BD7395 (Unity) Application::UpdateScene
0x0000000140BD784A (Unity) Application::EnterPlayMode
0x0000000140BDFDC4 (Unity) Application::SetIsPlaying
0x0000000140BE08A6 (Unity) Application::TickTimer
0x0000000140E4179E (Unity) FindMonoBinaryToUse
0x0000000140E42DD1 (Unity) WinMain
0x00000001415C3540 (Unity) strnlen
0x00007FFC73ED8364 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
I don't want rounds in my game... this will play like Injustice or Killer Instinct where there are no rounds, but two life bars (I plan on having different colours). Do I HAVE to have a round indicator...?
I'm not sure about the light problem, but you can definitely not have the round indicator. If need be simply disable the renderer on the battle gui prefab.
Also you mentioned again back on the 13th about adding post effects to the camera at run time. The camera is not created at runtime, but is the object the UFE script is attached to and so the camera is the same camera for every fight. I see no reason why you can't have a script attached to each level prefab that finds the main camera and adds/removes scripts as needed. I do it with Playmaker since I'm a scripting nincompoop. I hadn't messed with changing skyboxes at runtime though.
I'm not sure about the light problem, but you can definitely not have the round indicator. If need be simply disable the renderer on the battle gui prefab.
Also you mentioned again back on the 13th about adding post effects to the camera at run time. The camera is not created at runtime, but is the object the UFE script is attached to and so the camera is the same camera for every fight. I see no reason why you can't have a script attached to each level prefab that finds the main camera and adds/removes scripts as needed. I do it with Playmaker since I'm a scripting nincompoop. I hadn't messed with changing skyboxes at runtime though.
I haven't messed with that yet... And I solved the light problem with a script for baking Prefabbed lightmaps. As far as stuff like fading between rounds... I hope with UFE 1.8 we can effectively turn that off... I want my players to stay immersed into the battle and not be take away from it. Gotta keep it seamless.
So I got the alternates and light maps working in my levels. Coming up, I will be adding attack move to my current fighter to get a feel for the workflow. And changing the Battle GUI dramatically. I might need help with the select screen... I have a certain look I am going for.
So I have updated the graphics of my select screen, but I have encountered a strange bug... my UI is completely gone! I am using a 3D background for this and this is a very odd thing. It was working before. So now I wonder how can I fix this.
Here is a screenshot of what i am dealing with... just weird. It's at the bottom of the screen somewhere.
Then I get this error:
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
DefaultCharacterSelectionScreen.SetHoverIndex (Int32 player, Int32 characterIndex) (at Assets/UFE/Scripts/UI/Templates/DefaultCharacterSelectionScreen.cs:244)
CharacterSelectionScreen.OnShow ()
DefaultCharacterSelectionScreen.OnShow () (at Assets/UFE/Scripts/UI/Templates/DefaultCharacterSelectionScreen.cs:385)
UFE.ShowScreen (.UFEScreen screen, System.Action nextScreenAction)
UFE._StartCharacterSelectionScreen (Single fadeTime)
UFE+<StartCharacterSelectionScreen>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__16 ()
CameraFade.FireFadeFinished ()
CameraFade.OnGUI ()
Do you have a backup of your original Character Selection Screen prefab?
If you do, try swapping your current with the old one and check if the problem persists. You might have deleted or lost reference of something during your graphics update.
If you don't I suggest you create a new project and copy/paste the Character Selection Screen prefab into your project to test this.
Still broken... NOT HAPPY... it only breaks when I choose the 3D background...
UPDATE: Fixed... reinstalled UFE... things are good
Hey guys... decided to update my games UI a bit, and give it some spiritual flair. I have run into an issue where I want to have the greenish orb animate in the bar and also change colour based on the percentage of the super meter. I have already added a sprite renderer and an animator component but the animation isn't happening.
So how can I fix this without too much worry? I already have the bar filled up...
Also had anyone ran into an issue where you knockdown the opponent and they just pop back up, despite being an animation for stand up, which is in the default slot.
Good morning guys... decided to post a quick demo of my game in motion... right now I am trying to solve some glaring issues that are bugging me... such as the stand-up animations not playing after a knockdown, despite there being a stand up and DownClip in all of these motions. Does anyone know why the opponent stands up but doesn't play the getUp Animation? That is the biggest issue I am having. Thanks
I have the same problem.
I created a kick-move with hit-type set to "High knockdown". "High knockdown" has it's own down-clip and of course a stand-up animation. But the animation stops at the end of the knockdown-animation until the stun-timer is over. Then the character switches to the idle-animation without playing the standup animation. The down-clip and the standup-animation are ignored.
I tried different values for the standup-time in the global config-settings, but that doesn't help-
Yes... I've been trying to fix this to no avail, even as far as reanimating the hit reactions... and I have a lot of them. Call me crazy but it looks damn good. To be honest however, the engine ignoring my clips is aggravating... I have a default down clip that matches every knockdown and I am carefully syncing them in Modo. And my stun type is frame advantage, like in MKXL or Tekken.
I even looked at the demo content and how they set it up. Are you using Mecanim
I should comment that I'm running UFE 1.7 at the moment.
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