Topic: Delay between Rounds

Hi, i have a little strange behaviour here.

When a round is over, the game takes a while to call who won. the opponent lays on the ground and the winner stays on it's idle animations for like 5 seconds before the win title appears and the round win mark is awarded. This error just came out of nowhere suddenly. Don't know what's causing it.


Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.

Re: Delay between Rounds

Aside from the Round Options and GUI Options pre-set delays, there is a hard-coded timer under FluxCapacitor.EndRound. This segment delays a recursion by half a second until both characters are grounded:

        // Make sure both characters are grounded
        if (!p1ControlScript.Physics.IsGrounded() || !p2ControlScript.Physics.IsGrounded()) {
            UFE.DelaySynchronizedAction(this.EndRound, .5);

Maybe it has something to do with characters not being grounded at the end of the match.

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