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Advanced Options

Allows you to set interval values, overall efficiency, CPU usage and more.


Define the intervals between actions.

Time Between Decisions: Time taken before deciding the next move.

Time Between Actions: Time taken between finishing an action and starting the next decision.

Directional Padding: When selecting to execute a basic move (walk, idle, crouch, jump) how long should the A.I. hold the directional input.


Define how the AI will obey the rules.

Rule Compliance: The higher the value, the more systematic the A.I. will be. The lower the value, the more random it will be.

Aggressiveness: Upon deciding its next action, the A.I. will weight towards special moves if the aggressiveness is higher than 0.5. If its lower, the A.I. will weight towards basic moves.

Combo Efficiency: When executing a move, the A.I. will attempt to read the possible chain of attacks this move has. Depending on the defined efficiency, the A.I. will proceed with the chain or ignore it completely.

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ai/advancedoptions.1414376203.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/26 22:16 by Mistermind