(52 replies, posted in General)

Mistermind wrote:
backalleytoonz wrote:

All I been doing is importing UFE into a new project and i get errors. You telling me that no one else has this problem? I'm the only fool that opened up a new project and imported UFE into it just to get errors? wow

We can't help you if you can't properly describe us what is wrong.

Today I come in here humbled. i owe you a big apology. I thought My unity editor was up to date. I eneded up uninstalling all the editiors and restarted Unity Hub. Then a message came up to install the latest editor and it was a different version number than what I used. I installed the new editor and everything works fine. UFE is fine everyone, it was my fault and I'm sorry for making a big deal for a mistake that I made.


(52 replies, posted in General)

FreedTerror wrote:
backalleytoonz wrote:

Why am I getting this error when I import UFE 2.5.0 into my project?
Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\PrefabStageCanvasSize.cs(45,9): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'PrefabStage' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor.SceneManagement' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

How to fix please help. nobody bareley ever replies to me but please respond asap. Doing this on a windows 11 HP desktop using 2021.3

Can you screenshot your unity project screen? I'd like to see what's happening on your end. I don't encounter that error in 2021.3.
Also try a fresh UFE 2 import in 2021.3 to see if that helps.

All I been doing is importing UFE into a new project and i get errors. You telling me that no one else has this problem? I'm the only fool that opened up a new project and imported UFE into it just to get errors? wow


(52 replies, posted in General)

Mistermind wrote:
backalleytoonz wrote:

Why am I getting this error when I import UFE 2.5.0 into my project?
Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\PrefabStageCanvasSize.cs(45,9): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'PrefabStage' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor.SceneManagement' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

That's because you didn't update Unity to 2021. Did you watch the tutorial like I told you?

If you want to keep using Unity 2020, read this reply:
http://www.ufe3d.com/forum/viewtopic.ph … 978#p12978

backalleytoonz wrote:

How to fix please help. nobody bareley ever replies to me but please respond asap. Doing this on a windows 11 HP desktop using 2021.3

What are you tlking about. I'm using Unity 2021 i said that. all I have on my computers is 2021 and 2022 versions and I get errors on both. Don't tell me i didn't update to 2021 when thats all I got.

What are you talking about? I replied to you yesterday.


(52 replies, posted in General)

Why am I getting this error when I import UFE 2.5.0 into my project?
Assets\UFE\Engine\Scripts\PrefabStageCanvasSize.cs(45,9): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'PrefabStage' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor.SceneManagement' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

How to fix please help. nobody bareley ever replies to me but please respond asap. Doing this on a windows 11 HP desktop using 2021.3


(52 replies, posted in General)

Hi, was so excited to get an email saying ufe got the update. I updated it and imported into my unity project and got a bunch of errors. Not a hardcore coder, help. is there something special i'm supposed to do. Tried it on both unity 2021 and the alpha of 2022

it happened when I was creating new move files with my own animation files. I thought maybe it was too many move files in the project, i don't know.

Oh, and I'm using the Pro version.

I'm in the process of making custom move files and all of a sudden after making 6 i get this error on the console.
(IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
MoveEditorWindow.OnGUI () (at <cdffd876e7f04e5fb6b31fdda36eb02c>:0)
I don't know what to do or how to solve it. Please help


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi, yeah I guess it was the animation maps. I turned off one of them and it worked. the players played /fight perfectly.

Hi, I used Ethan's character file (duplicating it two times.) I made two more characters and added them to the game. every other character pairs play fine but when I choose the two made from Ethan's file each one stays at the opposite ends of the screen, jumping up and down but never move towards each other. Have you seen this problem and if so how can I fix it. Thanks.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi, no there  are no errors in the console window. The only thing is when I try to scroll to preview the animation the slider is un responsive. Sometimes it takes 3-5 minutes for it to respond. Sometimes I have to switch windows, go online then switch back to the editor where it might respond. Does anyone else even have this issue

In the move editor when I try to preview the animation I might be able to do it once but then it gets stuck and can't preview the animations anymore. please help.


(54 replies, posted in General)

MrPonton wrote:
Storm87 wrote:

Added a second 3D Fighter gameplay template (3rd person view)

woo, wait like a beat em up or tekken force mode were you can run around?


ok, just downloaded the new version but i can't find the new 3d gameplay template? Where is it?


(1 replies, posted in General)

Yes! solved my own question. lol

I placed ad textures in the stages (prefabs) and added the adinmo ad manager prefab to the main scene. It worked great and looks great in the background.


(1 replies, posted in General)

working on a game and want to use Adinmo ad assets (a texture and script) in UFE. I'm hoping to use them on the prefab stages and hope the ads will activate when the stage is called up. any thoughts on this would be helpful.


(1 replies, posted in General)

How soon can we get UFE on Unreal Engine?


(0 replies, posted in General)

Hi, was wondering if its possible to add leaderboards to the game. I'm using UFE 2 pro.

P.S. also, what about a money earning system after each fight.



(3 replies, posted in General)

yeah, I think your right on the memory limits. the stages i had were fairly big but when i tested another game with smaller stages, no problem. its all good though i'll figure it out.


(3 replies, posted in General)

just got my Bruce Flea game up on Xbox and the intro, main menu plays well. pic the characters and stage, all fine. But when the screen stops when the stage is loading. why would that be happening? I uploaded and tested the ufe out the box with no customizations and it played fine. is there something i'm supposed to do or forgot to do when adding my own stuff?


(9 replies, posted in Showcase)

really great


(4 replies, posted in General)

yeah, i ended up using Rewired and it is great. my go to solution from now on


(4 replies, posted in General)

no, control freak is supposed to also be for console hence the term multi-platform.

Control Freak 2 is a multi-platform input system that supports multi-touch, accelerometer, keyboard, mouse and game controllers.
Make your game multi-platform without touching a single line of code! (In 99% of cases no code modification is needed).


(4 replies, posted in General)

Is there anyone who knows about using Control Freak2  for console (xbox). its great and easy for mobile. couple of steps and your done, but trying to get it to work for consoles is frustrating. I need help and hope someone will have a solution for me. thanks in advance.


(1 replies, posted in 2D Gameplay)

Hi, can you use the new Unity input system with UFE? trying to get proper input for Xbox game controller. What is the best set up for gampad controller for UFE?


(2 replies, posted in General)

yess!! man your a life saver. it worked.