Thank you MrPonton smile

The switch method is probably a bit more elegant, so I will try it this way.

This is great! Thank you very much for sharing YumChaGames! smile

This has been answered before, but I´m looking for a simpler solution, as I´m not an experienced coder.

The pause menu should display an individual special moves list on the left for player 1 and on the right for player 2.

To achieve this, I´ve created GUI prefabs for theese lists, now I need them to be activated/deactivated according to the players name.

Something like: if player1 name is x activate GUI Element

I assume this is really easy for a good coder, so some tips would be greatly appreciated! smile

UFE already is fantastic (a work of genius), I´m really excited about the new online feature in version 2!

Keep up the great work Mistermind!

I´m using Unity 2017.2.0f3 with UFE Bundle 1.8.4 and Rewired, everything is working nicely now!

I´ve been hoping for a good input mapper tool integration for UFE and Rewired is really a great solution.

Just follow the Rewired Manual: … tingEngine

Thank you very much for the infos!

Strangely I don´t have the entry

Window -> Rewired -> Integration -> Universal Fighting Engine -> Install Integration Pack

that is mentioned in the Rewired documentation. There are many other tools listed, like UFPS, Play Maker etc, but no UFE.

Probably we just need to be a little more patient and wait till everything is fully integrated and works together.

1.8.4 is the latest version, look here

I´m very happy that there´s now a Rewired integration with UFE, but for some reason though I have installed Rewired, under Input Options it says

"You must have Rewired installed in order to use this option"

What am I doing wrong???

Thank you very much, now it´s working! smile

I was using cinput, it seems to have some compatibility issues with the newer unity versions, for example the joystick calibration does´t react when I press OK in the menu, nothing happens, so it´s frozen and you can´t leave the menu.

Is this only me? I assumed as cinput uses the old GUI system and doesn´t seem to get updates, we can´t use it anymore.

I spent a lot of time changing inputs in the unity input manager, but for some reason, it´s not working...

The menu opens when I press space instead of esc, how can I chnage it back to esc?

Additionally I want the Start button of an xbox controller to open the menu too, how can this be done?

Any advice is apprecciated!

To render the hit effects/particle effects on top of everything else, as far as i understand, unity needs two cameras, so it can seperate render passes by layers.

How can i make a second camera do exactly the same, as the camera with the UFE script attached?