Mistermind wrote:

Maybe your walking animations are applying root motion and you don't have that toggled under your move animations, thus moving outside the boundaries of the character hitboxes.
Alternatively, also check Camera Options for additional distance settings

Thanks for the reply.

For the walks, I'm using the included E_Basic_Walk_Forward E_Basic_Walk_Backward animations. Apply Root Motion toggle is off.

In Camera Options Maximum Players Distance is 4, which keeps bother characters from walking too far apart and off screen. I don't have any zoom settings enabled.


I've set the left and right boundary for the stage and the camera stops in the correct positions, but the players can just keep walking.

Is there any settings I'm missing to stop them walking off?



(3 replies, posted in General)

Mistermind wrote:

UFE was developed prior to Textmesh support so the package isn't added by default under the engine, but you should be able to add it by yourself using Unity's package manager. Here are a few links that should help you get started:
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.u … index.html
https://forum.unity.com/threads/package … ro.676894/
https://forum.unity.com/threads/migrati … es.511748/

Also, please take a few minutes to read our User Karma FAQ:

If you have any issues with the support, feel free to contact me directly through PM.

Thanks for the reply.

I know how to add TextmeshPro to Unity. I can't use it with UFE2 though as I can't edit the Battle GUI script and that is using Text and not TextMeshPro - which is considered by most as the new Unity standard.

Edit: Apologies, I assumed I couldn't edit the script as I don't own the source version of UFE2 however it was a Unity issue preventing me from editing the script!


(3 replies, posted in General)

I just started editing some UI and noticed it's not using TextMesh Pro.

Is this something I can fix as I only use TextMesh Pro for my UI now.



(0 replies, posted in 2D Gameplay)


I'm trying to create all my characters and scenes in real world scale but for some reason my camera is not behaving how I think it should.

Here's a video of the issue


Here are my camera settings:

Camera Settings


(5 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))


In Unity 2017.1 UFE with both AI and Network addons crashes randomly both in the editor and on Android device.

Is anyone else having this issue?
