Topic: Trying to make UFE arkit friendly

Hi.I am using ufe 1.8.6 source version.and i have noticed that ufe uses world position and scaling system and thats a problem for manything..and i trying to make this system using local space positioning and can someone please point out in which scripts i need to change these .i already know that i have to change in UFE.cs,controllerscript.cs ,physicsscript and i also want those hitboxes to be in local position and want to check the hit box overlap in local much do i have to change please if you could point out the scripts file,that would be great..and i also want to know why ufe developers used world position and scaling instead of local space.
Thank you very much though for creating this awesome engine..


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Re: Trying to make UFE arkit friendly

Any luck on getting UFE into ARkit?


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