Topic: Arcade Mode

i got the source version of UFE and i was wondering, would it be too hard to create an arcade mode? with a cutscene at the start and another one in the end of the game, BOSSES and thing like that?


Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.

Re: Arcade Mode

If you have intermediate coding skills, you could probably do it.  In this thread, I've detailed some tips on it.

If you can wait, we have a Story Mode in the works that should be out within the next couple of updates.


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Re: Arcade Mode

i think we can make the arcade mode works . Yum if can tell me where to find the part of code where playerp1 win as after that i want to show VSScreen.


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Re: Arcade Mode

UFE.OnGameEnds(CharacterInfo winner, CharacterInfo loser)

That's the end of a match.


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Re: Arcade Mode

private void EndGame(){
        UFE.FireGameEnds(opInfo, myInfo);
        if ( == "Player1") {


this is the part of the code from the control script and in this the else conditions is the of player P1 wins.. now how can is show the VSScreen instead of the stage selection,players selection window i.e (showEndMenu).


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Re: Arcade Mode

I wouldn't touch ControlsScript for this, you can handle it in the your GUIScript instead.

If you're basing your GUIScript off the original GUIScript file, you should already be hooking into UFE events and have UFE.OnGameEnds hooked into your own OnGameEnds.


if (winner.Equals(this.player1)){
   // bring up vs screen

into your OnGameEnds.  Then comment out the line

showEndMenu = true;

to prevent the end menu from showing up...


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Re: Arcade Mode

Thanks a lot! my brother is helping me with the coding (he's a software engineer), i'm more of the modeler/animator.

i'll give him this links to get him started

Thanks a lot!

Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.

Re: Arcade Mode

@yum thanks a lot for the way for arcade and i am doing it in the same manner. Now what i want is to restart the game as the Vs Screen comes. i found the function UFE.StartGame (3); which i think starts the game and i am using it for restart as Player P! wins but what happens is the game restart and nothing happens and a Null reference error occurs in the Camera Script.


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Re: Arcade Mode

The order can be tricky to get right.

Basic idea is in the same call you're starting the Vs screen, you also want to call UFE.EndGame, Set Player 2 and next Stage (if Arcade Mode) and be sure to clear all button presses. 

Then in the Vs screen, calls UFE.StartGame.  This can be on a "Next Match" button press too.

I'm not sure if that answers your question, so let me know if you're still stuck.


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Re: Arcade Mode

MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'Transform' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.
Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object.
UnityEngine.Transform.get_position ()
CameraScript.DoFixedUpdate () (at Assets/UFE/Scripts/CameraScript.cs:60)
UFE.FixedUpdate () (at Assets/UFE/Scripts/UFE.cs:911)

i did called the UFE.StartGame in the conditions

if(winner == this.player1)

and this all is written in the OnGameEnds() in GUIScript.


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Re: Arcade Mode

OK, here's where you need to "be a programmer" and debug what you've done smile.

Double click the error in the Console window and it should open the script and highlight the line of code. 

If the selected line of code is not one you edited/created, then it's because something have edited/created somewhere else is trying to access this line of code.  You can see the path the code takes to get the error too.  So usually I manually try following that until a line sticks out as being wrong.

Due to the error you're getting (Missing Reference Exception, Transform has been destroyed but you're trying to access it), it's likely you're doing things in slightly the wrong order (player is destroyed while something else is still trying to access it...


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