Topic: Ties?

What would happen if the timer ran out and nobody lost health? Would there be a tie which would lead to another round? I’m asking because my game has only one round and I need to know what would happen if that happened.


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Re: Ties?

Try player vs player and don't damage either one


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3 (edited by MrPonton 2019-09-03 15:19:12)

Re: Ties?

1) If both players have 0 health, the game starts a new round.
2) If either player has health when the other has zero, the one with health will be awarded the winner.
3) If time runs out, and both characters have the same percentage of health, the game starts a new round.
4) If time runs out, and a character has a higher percentage of health than the other, the one with the higher percentage health will be awarded the winner.

Repeat scenarios 1 or 3 until scenarios 2 or 4 occurs.


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