Topic: [Code] Allowing character to turnaround.

It's not very complex but I thought I would explain it anyways for anyone looking to have a feature like this. Or maybe it can come in the next update :]

Step 1) In GlobalInfo.c  in the CharacterRotationsOptions add:

public bool turnAround = false;

Step 2) In ControlsScript.c in the function TestCharacterRotation() add the following:

if (!UFE.config.characterRotationOptions.turnAround) {
                        //MMINDS Code
                } else if (UFE.config.characterRotationOptions.turnAround) {
                        if (mirror == -1 && myPhysicsScript.moveDirection == -1) {
                                mirror = 1;
                                standardYRotation = 360 - standardYRotation;
                if (UFE.config.characterRotationOptions.autoMirror) {
                                        if (myInfo.animationType == AnimationType.Legacy) {
                                                character.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (-character.transform.localScale.x, character.transform.localScale.y, character.transform.localScale.z);
                                        } else {
                                                myHitBoxesScript.invertHitBoxes (true);
                                                myMoveSetScript.SetMecanimMirror (true);
                        } else if (mirror == 1 && myPhysicsScript.moveDirection == 1) {
                                mirror = -1;
                                standardYRotation = 360 - standardYRotation;
                if (UFE.config.characterRotationOptions.autoMirror) {
                                        if (myInfo.animationType == AnimationType.Legacy) {
                                                character.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (-character.transform.localScale.x, character.transform.localScale.y, character.transform.localScale.z);
                                        } else {
                                                myHitBoxesScript.invertHitBoxes (false);
                                                myMoveSetScript.SetMecanimMirror (false);
        character.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(character.transform.rotation, Quaternion.AngleAxis(standardYRotation, Vector3.up), Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed);

Step 3) Make moveDirection public in the physics script

Step 4) Add GUI to GlobalEditorWindow.c to toggle from the menu (for convenience). I just added this around line 400.

globalInfo.characterRotationOptions.turnAround = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Turn Around", globalInfo.characterRotationOptions.turnAround);


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Re: [Code] Allowing character to turnaround.

Another modification:
Step 5) Make sure initial starting rotation for player 2 is fixed.


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