Topic: (Source) Minimum Damage Scaling on a per-move basis!

Have you ever implemented a single-hit super move, only to be disappointed when the move is used at the end of your combo and it's doing the minimum possible damage due to damage scaling?

Perhaps you'd think to make the move do unscaled damage? No, that's not quite working because then the move does TOO much damage at the end of the combo... If only there was a way to get the move to only scale so far and then stop scaling...

That's where this guide comes in! It's surprisingly very easy, but requires source to work.

First, in Hit.cs:


 public Fix64 _damageOnHit; 

and add this underneath:

 public Fix64 _minDamageOnHit; 

Next, in MoveEditorWindow.cs


 moveInfo.hits[i]._damageOnHit = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Damage on Hit:", (float)moveInfo.hits[i]._damageOnHit); 

and add this underneath:

moveInfo.hits[i]._minDamageOnHit = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Minimum on Hit:", (float)moveInfo.hits[i]._minDamageOnHit);

Finally, for the last step, in ControlsScript.cs


if (damage < UFE.config.comboOptions._minDamage) damage = UFE.config.comboOptions._minDamage;

And add this above it:

if (damage < hit._minDamageOnHit) damage = hit._minDamageOnHit;

And then there you have it! you should have a new option in your move editor for the minimum amount of damage a move could possibly ever do. Useful for letting combo ending moves not quite scale as hard as they would normally!

Have fun and good luck with your project!


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Re: (Source) Minimum Damage Scaling on a per-move basis!

Nice! Not 100% sure on this but, I'm guessing you would also need to add the _minDamageOnHit to the right flux script(s) for rollback purposes? @Mistermind could provide some insight here.


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3 (edited by Starcutter 2022-01-04 17:03:51)

Re: (Source) Minimum Damage Scaling on a per-move basis!

Oh, that's a good call! I didn't even know that adding variables like this would have an effect on rollbacks! I'd definitely like some clarification if that is the case.

I'm not sure if this qualifies for that example because I'm not adding a variable specifically to controlsScript like in that example linked, but if I do have to make changes to another script, I'd like to know so I can fix the guide a bit!


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