Topic: Synchronization Lost

Hey! Always getting Synchronization Lost.
+ Source version
+ RollBack Netcode
+ MapRecorder
What could be the reason?

Frame: 1837
Expected State: [FluxSimpleState | info = [P1 anim frame = 1711, P2 anim frame = 470, Distance = 4.59861)] | frame = 1837]
Received State: [FluxSimpleState | info = [P1 anim frame = 1711, P2 anim frame = 500, Distance = 4.587421)] | frame = 1837]


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Re: Synchronization Lost

abasov90 wrote:

Hey! Always getting Synchronization Lost.
+ Source version
+ RollBack Netcode
+ MapRecorder
What could be the reason?

Frame: 1837
Expected State: [FluxSimpleState | info = [P1 anim frame = 1711, P2 anim frame = 470, Distance = 4.59861)] | frame = 1837]
Received State: [FluxSimpleState | info = [P1 anim frame = 1711, P2 anim frame = 500, Distance = 4.587421)] | frame = 1837]

i'm getting a very similar problem, you can check this topic:

a way to sort some of the errors is making logs they say, and compare them.

so far i've had no luck, but we're trying to dig out the problems step by step.

Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.