Topic: Reset to simulation speed 1 for particle when clone in UFE 2.6.0

When simulation speed is 5 or 2 or greater than 1 in particle prefab, then when prefab is clone from moves projectile, then simulation speed is reset to 1 in all particles.
It is breaking our game and not found any fix for this until now.


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Re: Reset to simulation speed 1 for particle when clone in UFE 2.6.0

I see the problem.
With UFE 2.6.0 now controlling particle simulations, it overrides the speed with its own time scale.
The solution would be to add a backup value of the original speed and add it as a multiplier on top of the time scale applied.

Try these changes. I just made them and committed to the repository. I'll issue an update soon.

Under InstantiatedGameObject.cs, you will find a definition for particles like so:

public ParticleSystem[] particles;

Change it to this

public Dictionary<ParticleSystem, float> particleStorage;

(Make sure you also change the constructors)

Now under UFE.cs look for this code (line 2085):

ParticleSystem[] particles = goInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>(true);
foreach (ParticleSystem particle in particles)
       particle.Stop(true, ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmittingAndClear);
       particle.randomSeed = (uint)creationFrame;
UFE.instantiatedObjects.Add(new InstantiatedGameObject(uniqueId, goInstance, mrFusion, particles, creationFrame, creationFrame + durationFrames));

And change to this:

ParticleSystem[] particles = goInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>(true);
Dictionary<ParticleSystem, float> particleStorage = new Dictionary<ParticleSystem, float>();
foreach (ParticleSystem particle in particles)
        particle.Stop(true, ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmittingAndClear);
        particle.randomSeed = (uint)creationFrame;
        particleStorage.Add(particle, particle.main.simulationSpeed);
UFE.instantiatedObjects.Add(new InstantiatedGameObject(uniqueId, goInstance, mrFusion, particleStorage, creationFrame, creationFrame + durationFrames));

Now under MatchManager.cs, look for this code (line 274):

foreach (ParticleSystem particle in entry.particles)
    var mainModule = particle.main;
    mainModule.simulationSpeed = (float)UFE.timeScale;
    float time = (currentFrame - entry.creationFrame) / (float)UFE.fps;
    particle.Simulate(time, true, true, true);

And change it to this:

foreach (KeyValuePair<ParticleSystem,float> particleData in entry.particles)
    var mainModule = particleData.Key.main;
    mainModule.simulationSpeed = (float)UFE.timeScale * particleData.Value;
    float time = (currentFrame - entry.creationFrame) / (float)UFE.fps;
    particleData.Key.Simulate(time, true, true, true);

These changes should make it so UFE doesn't directly interfere with the original simulation speed value.

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Re: Reset to simulation speed 1 for particle when clone in UFE 2.6.0

Thank you so much.


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