Topic: On Connection Disconnect Declare Other Player Win

Hello everyone, I hope everyone here doing great. I have a question, can we implement win/lose situation on connection disconnection? Like let's say when 2 players game online and one player disconnects. For now what happens that it simply appears disconnect panel but what i want the player which is in room it make that player win. How can we achieve this? which script and where should I make changes in the project?


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Re: On Connection Disconnect Declare Other Player Win

You can subscribe to the MultiplayerAPI event "OnPlayerDisconnectedFromMatch" like so:

void Start()
    UFE.MultiplayerAPI.OnPlayerDisconnectedFromMatch += this.OnPlayerDisconnectedFromMatch;

Then create a function that calls a set of functions to emulate the end of a match:

void OnPlayerDisconnectedFromMatch()
    // Declare Local Player as Winner
    ControlsScript winner = UFE.GetControlsScript(UFE.GetLocalPlayer());

    // Fire Game Ends Event

    // Play Game Won Outro Animation

    // Call for End Game and open menu a few seconds later
    UFE.DelaySynchronizedAction(UFE.MatchManager.EndMatch, UFE.config.roundOptions._endGameDelay);

On a side note:
You might need to override how UFE handles disconnections. Under file ConnectionHandler.cs, comment line 19 like so:

//UFE.MultiplayerAPI.OnPlayerDisconnectedFromMatch += this.OnPlayerDisconnectedFromMatch;

This will prevent UFE from also disconnecting the local player from the room.

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