Topic: Special Ending depending the difficulty

Hi, kind of a simple question, but i don't know how could this be achieved.

We want to add a different ending to our game if you beat it on the hardest difficulty level with no continues, and certain number of perfects for example.

How could it be implemented?


Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.

2 (edited by MrPonton 2020-12-19 02:33:19)

Re: Special Ending depending the difficulty

I'd keep a script as a component in the game manager and use events to help you out.

So in the script you'd have an ongoing tracker such as a boolean of specialEnding.

Then when difficulty is selected to hard you set the specialEnding to true else false.
Then when someone presses continue you set the specialEnding to false.

Then add an int so at the OnRoundEnd() event you can see the current health of the winning player. If they have full health then add one to the counter.

Then when you are about to display the ending, add an if check to its call where if specialEnding && perfectCount > requiredNumOfPerfects then play the special ending, else play the normal one.


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Re: Special Ending depending the difficulty

MrPonton wrote:

I'd keep a script as a component in the game manager and use events to help you out.

So in the script you'd have an ongoing tracker such as a boolean of specialEnding.

Then when difficulty is selected to hard you set the specialEnding to true else false.
Then when someone presses continue you set the specialEnding to false.

Then add an int so at the OnRoundEnd() event you can see the current health of the winning player. If they have full health then add one to the counter.

Then when you are about to display the ending, add an if check to its call where if specialEnding && perfectCount > requiredNumOfPerfects then play the special ending, else play the normal one.

THanks! sound good!

Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.