Topic: Negative Gauge Addition

It would be really nice to be able to subtract gauge from the opponent on block or hit instead of add. For things like a stun meter or guard bar.


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Re: Negative Gauge Addition

+1 for this. This can open up a lot of possibilities.

Using source it's possible to get gauge subtraction but gauge doesn't seemed to be capped at 0 so it can cause some issues.


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Re: Negative Gauge Addition

Are you sure about that? Currently I've worked around this in the source by changing line 2678 of ControlsScript.cs:

                                    if((int)gaugeInfo.targetGauge == 1)
                                     opControlsScript.RemoveGauge(gaugeInfo._opGaugeGainOnBlock, 1);
                                    } else
                                     opControlsScript.AddGauge(gaugeInfo._opGaugeGainOnBlock, (int)gaugeInfo.targetGauge);


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Re: Negative Gauge Addition

I'm confused about what this code does and where to put it. Is it supposed to prevent gauge from going below 0? The code gave me errors when i tried to paste it in line 2678.


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