Topic: Auto correct rotation

Would it be possible to change the auto correct rotation option on a move, so instead of only activating after a set frame, it also stops rotating after another frame?

To make it something like the active frame option. It's a z-axis thing, if the chars keep rotating throughout the move, then it becomes near impossible to dodge. If they don't rotate at all, then the odds of missing altogether become too high.

I've had a look at the code, Im not sure how to do it. I want to code the Editor so I have  a slider, like the Active frame, and the rotate code here,

private void validateRotation()
        //  if (!myPhysicsScript.IsGrounded() || myPhysicsScript.freeze || currentMove != null) fixCharacterRotation();      

        if (myPhysicsScript.freeze) return;
        if (currentState == PossibleStates.Down) return;
        if (currentMove != null && (!currentMove.autoCorrectRotation || currentMove.frameWindowRotation > currentMove.currentFrame)) return;
        if (myPhysicsScript.IsJumping() && !UFE.config.characterRotationOptions.rotateWhileJumping) return;
        if (currentSubState == SubStates.Stunned && !UFE.config.characterRotationOptions.fixRotationWhenStunned) return;
        if (isBlocking && !UFE.config.characterRotationOptions.fixRotationWhenBlocking) return;
        if (myMoveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying("idle") && UFE.config.characterRotationOptions.rotateOnMoveOnly) return;

        //my addition
        if (myPhysicsScript.IsGrounded() || myPhysicsScript.freeze || currentMove != null) fixCharacterRotation();

So that it only rotates between certain frames. AS it stands, once the char starts rotating, they keep doing so until the move ends, making it like a heat seeker!


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