Topic: UFE in HDRP

Hello everybody. I started new project with UFE 2.5.2 in Unity 2022.3.4f1 in HDRP. The game starts, but the stage does not load. An error will appear and Unity crashed with error:

Failed to present D3D11 swapchain due to device reset/removed. This error can happen if you draw or dispatch very expensive workloads to the GPU, which can cause Windows to detect a GPU Timeout and reset the device. (see … recovery). If you believenthis error is due to built-in Unity functionality, please submit a bug. This is an unrecoverable error and the editor will shut down.

Anyone having the same problem, can anyone help me?

Other HDRP projects (not UFE) work fine for me and UFE in standard pipeline works correctly too.

Can anyone advise me?


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Render pipelines are related to Materials, not code. Its not an UFE issue.
What you are probably referring to are the demo templates that comes with UFE (characters, particles and stages).

Here, this should help you: … -HDRP.html

Find the materials related to the templates you want to use and upgrade them.
For example, you can find the materials for the Training Room stage under UFE\Demos\Shared_Assets\Stages\TrainingRoom2D\Materials.

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It would be great if you provide a URP/HDRP patch that can update all the materials that come with UFE, just like some other plugins, otherwise I have to run the material upgrade everytime I update the plugin.
Besides, some are not converted nicely with Unity's material converter.


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