Topic: Move Input: Hold Back Button + Button press?
Is there a way to modificate "Button Sequences" to Hold State?
For Example:
Dash back : Button Sequences "Back" and Button Executions "Back"
I want to modificate this to:
Dash back : Button Sequences "Hold Back" and Button Executions "Back"


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Re: Move Input: Hold Back Button + Button press?

Technically, you could achieve a similar result by changing the input to Charge Move and entering the time you want the first Back (in Button Sequences) to be held.


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Re: Move Input: Hold Back Button + Button press?

Thank you to reply me!

I think that I didn't explain the problem clearly.
I have try your method that  by changing the input to Charge Move and entering the time,but I must realse the Button Sequences "Back" then press the Button Executions "Back", then it can  trigger the move.

Think this situation:
Dash back : Button Sequences "Hold Back" and Button Executions "Button 1"

I want whenever that I hold the "Back button"(Button Sequences) then press the "Button 1"(Button Executions), it can trigger dash move,I needn't release the  "Back button" I mean  "Back button" is still be hold, and next time the  "Back button" is still hold down that never release and I press the "button 1" it can trigger the dash move again.

What should I do?


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Re: Move Input: Hold Back Button + Button press?

If you want a move to execute during <Hold Direction> + Button, you can achieve a close result by just putting the direction into the Execution list with the button.  This is because Left and Right are also tied to movement, so it counts as being held or pressed for this purpose.


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Re: Move Input: Hold Back Button + Button press?

Thank you very much. You method works!!!


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