Topic: Win count

What scripts would I need to edit to display a win count in player vs player verses


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Re: Win count

diesonblack22 wrote:

What scripts would I need to edit to display a win count in player vs player verses

This is actually something that I am looking into, a general outline on how this would be scripted is

1. Modifying the BattleGUI script to add a code section for the number of wins a player has
2. Adding the text to display the wins on the prefab for the Battle GUI (Now it would display wins, but since there's no scripting done yet, the wins would never go up, but at least it displays on-screen.)
3. Adding the actual scripts to the code. Not necessarily going into detail but it would involve checking to make sure who won the match, and adding a win to the win count for whichever player won the match.
4. Optionally, clearing the number of wins at the end of the session, such as when returning to the main menu. A good example of this is in user "shubi"'s Score Counter Script ( ), he adds two lines of code in the Main Menu script that sets both player's scores to zero.


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