Topic: Prefabs for KO, ROUNDS, and FIGHT notifications

I think maybe somebody mention this earlier, but, i wanted to know, anybody knows how to set the KO, rounds and FIGHTO notifications that normally are text objects in the fight screen prefab to prefabs i can make with animations and so on?


Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.

Re: Prefabs for KO, ROUNDS, and FIGHT notifications

Was thinking about this myself.

Started looking around to see what code might need to to be affected.

Might have an answer soon

Eternal Rift Studios
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Always happy to help when possible. If its something pretty minor ill just help you out. But i do commissions as well. Hit me up if you need a commission.


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Re: Prefabs for KO, ROUNDS, and FIGHT notifications

I remember this being done I think in a tutorial about the Score counter?

But yeah, I'd imagine the short answer is to wherever it calls to run the text for Fight, you replace that call to run an animation, which you might want to have set somewhere instead of just browsing at run time.


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