1 (edited by shubi 2019-03-26 16:11:41)

Topic: [Tutorial] custom K.O.-animation


We're using video-clips for our "Fight!" or "K.O." messages in our game "Fighting-Generation ".
Some people asked for a tutorial about this, so here it is:


You can download our "K.O."-animation here (right-click -> save as ...):
Please don't use this animation in your game projects, this clip is only for testing purposes.


Hope it helps, good luck with your projects smile

shubi's Website


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Re: [Tutorial] custom K.O.-animation

How did you make the webm KO animation?

ive been trying to make my own but i cant get the transparency

Eternal Rift Studios
    Current Projects:
         Destined Soels
Always happy to help when possible. If its something pretty minor ill just help you out. But i do commissions as well. Hit me up if you need a commission.


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Re: [Tutorial] custom K.O.-animation

You have to use a program that supports RGBA output. For example Adobe Premiere doesn't but Adobe After Effects does.


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Re: [Tutorial] custom K.O.-animation

welp i need software then

Eternal Rift Studios
    Current Projects:
         Destined Soels
Always happy to help when possible. If its something pretty minor ill just help you out. But i do commissions as well. Hit me up if you need a commission.


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5 (edited by shubi 2019-10-24 03:23:51)

Re: [Tutorial] custom K.O.-animation


Adobe Premiere also has an alpha output. Simply place your texts and graphics in the timeline (without background) and export to a codec with alpha capability (Quicktime PNG, Quicktime Animation, AVI uncompressed).
However you have to convert those file to a WEBM-File with alpha channel.

To do so, you can use FFmpeg (free). Place the rendered clip in the /video folder of FFmpeg and run FFmpeg like this:

ffmpeg -i yourvideo.mov -c:v libvpx -pix_fmt yuva420p -b:v 4M -auto-alt-ref 0 -metadata:s:v:0 alpha_mode="1" -c:a libvorbis result.webm

yourvideo.mov is the rendered Video from Premiere or any other editing software

4M means 4Mbit. For a higher quality increase the value

alpha_mode="1" enables the alpha channel (0 would be without alpha)

result.webm is the output-file

hope it helps,

shubi's Website


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