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Bounce Options

Set rather or not a character will bounce off the ground (or wall) if enough force is applied.

Ground Bounce

Bounce Back Force: When bouncing off the ground, how much of the vertical force applied should the engine use to bounce back up? (None: Never ground bounce)

Bounce Effect: A prefab with particle effects that is fired when the character bounces of the ground.

Effect Duration: How long the bounce effect lasts.

Bounce Sound: Sound triggered when bounce is triggered.

Minimum Bounce Force: The minimum force required to create a bounce.

Maximum Bounces: The maximum bounces allowed before the character stops bouncing regardless of the force applied.

Stick to Character: If enabled, the bounce effect will follow the character.

Shake Camera On Bounce: Toggles if the camera should shake when a ground bounce is triggered.

Shake Density: How much “shake” is applied to the camera.

Wall Bounce

Bounce Back Force: When bouncing off the wall, how much of the horizontal force is applied back (None: Never wall bounce).

Bounce Effect: A prefab with particle effects that is fired when the character bounces of the wall.

Effect Duration: How long the bounce effect lasts.

Bounce Sound: Sound triggered when bounce is triggered.

Minimum Bounce Force: The minimum force required to create a bounce.

Maximum Bounces: The maximum bounces allowed before the character stops bouncing regardless of the force applied.

Stick to Character: If enabled, the bounce effect will follow the character.

Shake Camera On Bounce: Toggles if the camera should shake when a wall bounce is triggered.

Shake Density: How much “shake” is applied to the camera.

Code access:


Code example:

void OnRoundBegins(int round){
	if (round == 2) UFE.config.bounceOptions.minimumBounceForce = 20;

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global/bounce.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/03 00:43 by FreedTerror