This is similar to an earlier post, but i'm trying to create a build for android and the touch controls work, but they're invisibles.

I'm using Unity 2020.2.1f1.398814

and UFE 2.4

Thanks smile


(3 replies, posted in General)

you can check the official Tutorial smile


(5 replies, posted in General)

MrPonton wrote:

Depends on how you want running implemented.

There's a thread somewhere that talks about "charge" attacks where you hold a button to charge up something (not charge like Guile in SF). So if you want them to continuously run forward I'd imagine you'd make a move with say a forward, forward input notation that links to a move on the early frames which loops the run animation as long as forward is being held?

Yes, that would be the best way to do it, a running move/animation that links to itself automatically when ending, and a Stop move/animation, called from the run state by for example releasing the forward button at any given time.


(2 replies, posted in General)

MrPonton wrote:

I'd keep a script as a component in the game manager and use events to help you out.

So in the script you'd have an ongoing tracker such as a boolean of specialEnding.

Then when difficulty is selected to hard you set the specialEnding to true else false.
Then when someone presses continue you set the specialEnding to false.

Then add an int so at the OnRoundEnd() event you can see the current health of the winning player. If they have full health then add one to the counter.

Then when you are about to display the ending, add an if check to its call where if specialEnding && perfectCount > requiredNumOfPerfects then play the special ending, else play the normal one.

THanks! sound good!


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi, kind of a simple question, but i don't know how could this be achieved.

We want to add a different ending to our game if you beat it on the hardest difficulty level with no continues, and certain number of perfects for example.

How could it be implemented?



(10 replies, posted in General)

Tried to contact them on Discord about making a add-on for their smash functions, but haven't answered yet. sad


(10 replies, posted in General)

Did you see?

The guys at digital Crafter modified UFE just enough that they'll soon release a brawler using the engine and assets from their previous game!

it looks pretty wild!!

PunBB bbcode test

big_smile yikes


(1 replies, posted in General)

There's a topic about it using functions already in UFE, but i think it needs a bit of coding.


(25 replies, posted in Showcase)

Mistermind wrote:

Gotta say, love that new trailer!

Thanks a lot Mistermind!

Thanks for UFE!


(25 replies, posted in Showcase)

Combate Just celebrated it's first Anniversary on STEAM! we've been updating the game this whole year, with 9 characters post-Launch and 3 more on their way... we're not quite sure how much longer we'll keep developing COMBATE, but... who knows. smile … e=emb_logo


(23 replies, posted in General)

i think the current tutorials are quite nice, i got started on UFE with the first ones only, and then i made some tutorials as well.


(5 replies, posted in Source Coding)

I think this thread is solved now, there's was this also tough


(145 replies, posted in Showcase)

Hi everyone! just wanted to show you... we started developing tzompantli 5 years ago, it's been nuts, and even tough the game hasn't been a huge hit, it kind of put us on the mexican developers radar... we are working on Combate Monero now, it'll be a year since its release next may and we've been suporting it since, adding characters and fixing it a little bit each time...

Now, the funny part, Tzompantli appears in the new season of the Netflix series "Diablero"... have you seen it?

PunBB bbcode test

The series follows Devil hunter "Elvis Infante" as he helps a priest search for his lost daughter... who he didn't knew he had.
The series is based on "El Diablo me obligó" (The devil made me do it) by H.G. Haghenbeck, and the interesting thing is, this book is also based on the graphic novel Tzompantli is based on "Operación Bolivar" by Edgar Clément.

PunBB bbcode test

So, by chance almost, master Clément ended up working on the production design for the series and contacted us with the production so Tzompantli would end up showing in the series to make it a full circle, the series based on the book based on his comics, and they play the game also based on his comics.

It's been really funny, and i want to share the clip with you, and if you can, check the series, it's kind of cool. smile

Is this the last we'll know about tzompantli... well, i don't know smile


(25 replies, posted in Showcase)

janjezz wrote:
xHerox wrote:

^Tick Apply Different AirForce in the moves editor, add X and Y values.

Thanks, this definitely improves the air combos. How about the "freeze" effect that happens when the victim is hit in the air? Is it possible to have that effect only for airmoves and not for ground moves?

Exactly! when we were working on tzompantli, the apply different X and Y speed if in the air wasn't implemented yet, so we created different moves only air combos, and other for the player regular status. a lot of things can be accomplished with UFE, it just needs work. smile


(3 replies, posted in Jobs)

MrPonton wrote:

Are you saying getting real cards in the real world? Or a system in game where you unlock cards through a progression like system?

Inside the game, sorry, maabe i wans't too clear jeje XD

yeah, inside the game, you get points by playing and use those points to buy "card packs" with 5 or so random cards, and  try to collect the full collection, that you can see in a gallery.


(3 replies, posted in Jobs)

Hi! i would like to know if anyone can help me with a special extra i want for my game:

Basically i want to add a card collection.... you get money for playing the game,

then, you can buy a card pack with 5 random cards and start collecting all the cards, you can get the same card more than once, like a traditional collective card game, so each time is harder to get the cards you're missing.

Is it possible?

would it be too expensive?



(2 replies, posted in General)

I was working on updating my old characters on UFE 2.0... but now i'm in 2.2 or maybe 2.3... and i'm absolutely lost.


specially since i don't know if the old hitbox setup still works...


(25 replies, posted in Showcase)

It's been a crazy ride developing games and trying to insert them on the market, but what can i say, it's been really fun rewarding. Met some awesome people and improve using tools i wouldn't think someday i couldknow so well...

we're still hard at work updating Combate Monero, and here is a video of an upcoming fighter

any coment or question is welcome!!


(11 replies, posted in General)

Mistermind wrote:

Is it happening on mirror matches? It could be a null reference for the alt costume prefab.

it happened on all situations, mirror matches or not.

i tried sveral options, but at the end loaded an older version of the project i had on a GIT, and the problem, whatever it was, was gone, just had to re imprt some newer assets, but i haven't got any problems since.

Thanks a lot to everyone!


(11 replies, posted in General)

This is getting crazy, now everytime i start the fight it gives me a different error, and crashes!

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
DefaultBattleGUI.DoFixedUpdate () (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/UI/Templates/DefaultBattleGUI.cs:124)
UFE.FixedUpdate () (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/UFE.cs:2129)

No character selected for player 1.
UFE:_StartGame(Single) (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/UFE.cs:2570)
<StartGame>c__AnonStorey5:<>m__0() (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/UFE.cs:766)
CameraFade:FireFadeFinished() (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/CameraFade.cs:61)
CameraFade:OnGUI() (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/CameraFade.cs:78)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
CameraScript.Start () (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/CameraScript.cs:32)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
CameraScript.DoFixedUpdate () (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/CameraScript.cs:66)
UFE.FixedUpdate () (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/UFE.cs:2121)


(11 replies, posted in General)

MrPonton wrote:

There's a nullified reference in the hit box.

Check what line of code is at: Line 149 of Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/HitBoxesScript.cs

Something in that line is null when it shouldn't be.

Does it happen with every character on P2 side? always Player 2? or always just one character?

it's happening on all P2 characters, on versus, training, CPU vs. CPU

i don't get it sad


(11 replies, posted in General)

Steviebops wrote:

Have the hit/hurtboxes changed?

Not at all. sad


(11 replies, posted in General)

So far it happens always on P2 side, also when the characters jump, they kind of get stuck in air, and when they fall, and if a missil is fired, the game crashes.

this is line 149 on HitBoxesScript

Vector3 hitBoxPosition = hitBox.position.position;

but the strange part is taht it doesn't happen all the time...
just some times sad


(11 replies, posted in General)


i was wortking on my project and suddenly, the p2 freezes the game everytime it launches a hit... is very strange, and i get this error. now, it doesn't show up... but the game freezes for any other reason. is quite strange sad
UnityEngine.Transform.get_position () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/TransformBindings.gen.cs:27)
HitBoxesScript.TestCollision (.HitBox[] hitBoxes, .HurtBox[] hurtBoxes, HitConfirmType hitConfirmType, Int32 mirror) (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/HitBoxesScript.cs:149)
HitBoxesScript.TestCollision (.HurtBox[] hurtBoxes, HitConfirmType hitConfirmType) (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/HitBoxesScript.cs:272)
ControlsScript.ReadMove (.MoveInfo move) (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/ControlsScript.cs:1672)
ControlsScript.DoFixedUpdate () (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/ControlsScript.cs:598)
UFE.FixedUpdate () (at Assets/Libs/UFE/Scripts/UFE.cs:2209)


(25 replies, posted in Showcase)

BLOWING UP SOME STEAM (no pun intended)

No indeed, as Steam is by far quite a friendly platform to publish, save for the facts a lot of it's users are quite rude, nowadays, that's the way of the world in a lot of spaces i think. Recently, steam announced that the 32 bit applications for mac won't be available on steam as the new OS is hitting mac computers, so, we need to update... fast!

I've been working on Combate Monero almost two years now, i worked on tzompantli for 4 years... and the updates in platforms and engines are so ridiculously fast, most of the time i can't keep up. Just got an android version of Combate running and the play store told me "sorry, that unity version is old and the API number is 25 when it should be 26" basically all my work wen't to waste as for the new api i have to update the unity, and that means update UFE, and my 1.8.6 UFE is heavily modified (with help from my brother and this forums) and the update process is posible, but is a bit tedious and slow... i've been working a lot on this game, and when i try to push it little more, something is holding me back, and it really makes me angry. I'm sincerely thinking about only updating the windows version and abandon the mac and ANDROID ports, and start a new project fresh with a new UFE, but i don't have the energy or resources to do all over again.

well, that's what's on my mind right now, just needed to blow put some steam. Thanks!