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I have dived into the Projectile Movement script, looking for a way to aim projectiles in the direction the player is moving, with forward as the default. Unfortunately, my amateur coding hasn't figured out a way to get the movement results from physics or controls scripts. It must have something to do with the directionVector and movement lines, but that's all I can figure.

Oh yes, the digital input toggle works. But now how can i add 'tap' inputs, similar to how you can dash and perform smash attacks in  Smash Bros

For my game, I want the characters to be controlled only by a control stick in a 360 degree motion. While Unity automatically applies a controller's control stick to a keyboard setup, I cannot figure out a way to have the characters move at varying speed based on how much you tilt the control stick, and I don't know how to implement this in my game. Any help?

I've been looking through physics and input scripts trying to find a way to have vertical inputs move the player up and down through 2D space just like they can left and right (sounds strange for a fighting game i know but ignore that). I've tried adjusting things through the code, but then realized I'm not good at coding at all. Because I'm changing the vertical inputs, I also need to disable the ability to jump. Simply turning it off of each character would work, I don't 'have' to remove all the jumping code. What lines would I have to change to get these done?