Topic: Looking for a way/method/tutorial for implementing customization

So I want to make a game with a lot of customization options like Soul Calibur, but I'm not sure where to start.

Basically I want to implement a system that lets you create a character.
The appearance would have different face parts (like blend shapes), different outfit parts (with customizable height & body part sizes) and weapons (that would be used in the moveset).

As for the moveset, I want to be able to have each attack have a slot where you can choose from a list of moves you can use with the input (like equipping skills in RPGs, but with combos and ultimates too). If the attack involves a weapon or tool, it reads the one selected in the appearance section. So some aspects are similar to the Ability & Combat Toolkit.

Also multiple slots to register multiple custom characters (so basically a similar system to Soul Calibur with customisable movesets as well as appearance)

So how would I go about implementing stuff like that? Is there any good tutorials for stuff like this (and how to implement features like this with UFE 2)? Sorry if I seem noobish, I do want to learn, but have no idea where to start.


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Re: Looking for a way/method/tutorial for implementing customization

There is no easy way to do customization unfortunately.
Since there is no support for this out of the box you either need to make one from scratch or find a premade solution.
Youtube tutorials can help thats about all I can say on that for now.

On another note I'm currently working on a 2D character palette swap editor (about 85% done) which I plan on releasing for UFE in the hopes Mistermind can hook it up to UFE and increase the overall value of the package.

I'll make a post regarding my palette editor once I'm finished with everything except the Saving feature.

With my knowledge gained from working on my palette editor I could probably make a 3D character editor (no promises tho)


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3 (edited by StriderSpinel 2021-11-20 19:46:02)

Re: Looking for a way/method/tutorial for implementing customization

Animelee had customization options for their game. Maybe you can contect them through here.

(eeeehhh 400th post!)

Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.

Re: Looking for a way/method/tutorial for implementing customization

FreedTerror wrote:

There is no easy way to do customization unfortunately.
Since there is no support for this out of the box you either need to make one from scratch or find a premade solution.
Youtube tutorials can help thats about all I can say on that for now.

On another note I'm currently working on a 2D character palette swap editor (about 85% done) which I plan on releasing for UFE in the hopes Mistermind can hook it up to UFE and increase the overall value of the package.

I'll make a post regarding my palette editor once I'm finished with everything except the Saving feature.

With my knowledge gained from working on my palette editor I could probably make a 3D character editor (no promises tho)

Please consider selling it as a 3rd party UFE component on the Unity Asset store like PUN


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