Topic: Stage Centre

Ive been messing around with z-axis movement, which means I have to limit the players differently than vanilla UFE.

I want to give them a circular movement (ring) from the stage centre.

Vector3 stageCentre =;
    float radius = UFE.config.selectedStage.ringRadius;

  float dst = Vector3.Distance(stageCentre, transform.position);
        if (dst > radius)
            Vector3 vect = stageCentre - transform.position;
            vect = vect.normalized;
            vect *= (dst - radius);
            transform.position += vect;

This is okay-ishg, but Im not sure that it's quite right. Is Vector3.Zero the centre of the stage, also, can I access the starting positions of the players from PhysicsScript.cs?

subtracting the tow starting Vectors would give me an ideal centre point to limit their movement from.


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Re: Stage Centre

I think it depends the stage (

You can set different left/right boundaries, so the centre could be considered different if you have different left/right boundaries.

At least, that's my understanding.  This also doesn't take into consideration 3D movement.

BTW, will you have walls or ring outs in your game?


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Re: Stage Centre

I'm not planning on ringouts. Ill have a outer wall (background scenery) that limits the camera, and a smaller inner area that the players can move around in.
The current boundaries wouldn't work in a z-axis system. (I think you could add two more for a square arena).
I've replaced the left/right boundaries with a float for the radius. The code above calculates a circle from that. The players are limited to that.

I just want to make sure it's nice and robust if I can.


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Re: Stage Centre

Ah, sorry I didn't realise you're modifying the Stage Options.  I think in theory what you have should work.  I assume you've tested, how does it feel?

Also, answering question from first post:  Round Options has the initial spawn locations for p1 and p2.


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