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Training Mode

Set the options that will become active when the player selects the Training Mode option or toggles Debug Options -> Play in Training Mode.

Freeze Timer: If toggled the timer will stop running.

Player 1/2 Starting Life/Gauge: The initial value for the life bar and gauge to start from when in Training Mode.

Player 1/2 Life: Choose how the life bar for each player will behave.

  • Normal: If Normal is selected the game will end just as if it was a normal game.
  • Refill: If Refill is selected the gauge will refill after Refill Time.
  • Infinite: If Infinite is selected the life bar will always stay full.

Player 1/2 Gauge: Choose how the gauge for each player will behave.

  • Normal: If Normal is selected the gauge will behave like normal.
  • Refill: If Refill is selected the gauge will refill after Refill Time.
  • Infinite: If Infinite is selected the gauge will always stay full.

Refill Time (seconds): How long of no activity should the engine wait before refilling the bar (in case Refill is selected in any of the fields above).

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global/trainingmode.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/05 15:06 by FreedTerror