(8 replies, posted in General)

MrPonton wrote:

Yeah, the wiki was written up for UFE 1.x, it hasn't really been updated to the newly released UFE 2.x yet.

As mistermind stated though, The MapRecorder scene though is discussed in the UFE 2.0 Netcode page as it relates to converting from 1.x: http://www.ufe3d.com/doku.php/global:netcode

I suggest giving that page a thorough look over as well.

I have UFE2 Standard edition right now.  I don't see any MapRecorder scene in my project files. 

UFE2 Standard is supposed to have "- Easy character setup" as a feature.

If UFE2 Standard does not have this maprecorder scene, than UFE2 standard users can not implement there own 3d models as in game characters as advertised on the assetstore. 

My intentions are to flesh out another basic fighting game with new characters/maps, afterwards updating UFE2 to the source edition before I publish on the google play store. 

As it stands right now I simply can not add my own custom characters.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Thank you MrPonton.

Hey how the hell was I supposed to know this?  I didn't see this anywhere in the Character Editor guide. (http://www.ufe3d.com/doku.php/start)

There should be a step by step guide on how to import your own 3d models and turn them into playable characters, but there simply isn't.

Looking for the guide to use the "MapRecorder Scene that records the hitboxes and frame data ".  I don't see it anywhere.
  I'm going through my project files, and I don't have a maprecorder scene.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Mistermind wrote:

Did you follow the conversion process from UFE 1.x to UFE 2?
http://www.ufe3d.com/doku.php/global:ne … ting_to_20

I started a brand new project with UFE2.   

Are there different steps to create new characters in UFE 2 or is it exactly the same as 1.8?


(8 replies, posted in General)

So I made a functional game in an older version of UFE maybe about a year ago. 

I wanted to get back into UFE after 2.0 was introduced, but I'm having difficulties just introducing new characters.

A new character I created is giving me error messages.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
FluxStateTracker.SaveCharacterState (.ControlsScript controlsScript)
FluxStateTracker.SaveGameState (Int64 frame, Boolean saveTrackers)
FluxStateTracker.SaveGameState (Int64 frame)
FluxCapacitor.ApplyInputs (Int64 currentFrame, Int64 lastSynchronizedFrame)
FluxCapacitor.DoFixedUpdate ()
UFE.FixedUpdate ()

I already have hit box script attached to the prefab.  I already have some hitboxes set up.  I do not yet have animations set up, but that should just cause the character to jump around in a t-pose. 

The NPC opponent fails to correctly turn and look at this new character.  Basically I just load into the training room fight screen, and I get 999 errors. 

What am I missing here?

Plz help.  I'm spending more time trying to figure out how to use UFE than actually creating a fighting game.

I'm falling into the same traps as OP.  Can anyone provide better instructions then the ones that come with UFE? http://www.ufe3d.com/doku.php/start


(1 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Running newest version of the UFE "bundle" on Unity 2018.1.9f2. 

With a fresh install I get 63 warning messages.  While there not game breaking I still see this as problematic.  It's never a good sign when we get error messages on a fresh install with the proper version of unity.

When trying to set hit boxes on new characters I'm getting this error message hundreds of times.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
CharacterEditorWindow.OnGUI () (at Assets/UFE/Editor/CharacterEditorWindow.cs:473)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:222)
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:232)
System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MethodBase.cs:115)
UnityEditor.HostView.Invoke (System.String methodName, System.Object obj) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/HostView.cs:291)
UnityEditor.HostView.Invoke (System.String methodName) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/HostView.cs:284)
UnityEditor.HostView.InvokeOnGUI (Rect onGUIPosition) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/HostView.cs:251)
Is the "bundle" ufe version not as uptodate as other versions of UFE?
Is UFE 1.8.6 just bugged?

Would it make more sense to just keep 1.8.6 bug free on unity 2017 since 2017 is not going to add more potentially game breaking features, just fixing existing bugs?

Trying to flesh out a new fighting game on the 1.8.6 before I update to UFE 2.  UFE 2 is still a bit pricey.

Made exactly zero dollars from my last UFE based game on the google play store, but I'm hoping for more success on my next try.


On this page (http://www.ufe3d.com/doku.php/installation) it says Unity 2018.2 or higher.

Should I currently use 2018.1.9 or 2018.2.0?

When it says "or higher" exactly how high are we talking about here?

What is the best version of unity for UFE 1.8.6.

I just want to flesh out a new game with the existing 1.8.6 that I own, before committing any more money.


(1 replies, posted in General)

I noticed UFE 2.0 multiplayer should be better than 1.8 because of rollback netcode, but how exactly does multiplayer work in UFE2.0?

In 1.8 I believe multiplayer required 2 players manually enter an ip address to connect to each other and play remotely.  Does this still hold true in UFE 2.0?  Is there some kind of new lobby system?  Is there some sort of photon integrations? Is there some sort of elo/rank system set up to ensure players are fighting other players at a similar skill level?  Is there some sort of lobby system that automatically matches you up with another player who wants to fight?  Is there a some kind of friend request system you can push a button and it sends a link to a friend and requests to download the game and fight them? 

I have a decent fighting game up on the google playstore with version 1.8, but I really don't want to spend time updating, and spend the buttload of money for source version of 2.0 if multiplayer requires different parties to manually enter IP addresses to connect to each other.

It's been a while since UFE has been updated, but now it looks like Unity has a "Long Term Supported (LTS) programme for Unity 2017."

https://forum.unity.com/threads/unity-2 … le.526260/

From what I understand the creator of UFE will probably only have to update UFE once more and he shouldn't have to update for a new version of Unity for a very long time.  Is this assumption correct?

What do you guys think of the LTS program?

PunBB bbcode test

The values that I have circled in green do not seem to actually change anything in game.  No matter what I put for these values the characters always load in the same place.

MrPonton wrote:

Can you give a screen for example of what your hovering character looks like in the hit box editor?

Are you also using mecanim by chance? if so, does the animation file itself show this hovering?

The problem is not that my character is hovering.  The problem is that I can't get my character to hover.
All my characters are glued to the ground.  Transfering my characters position does not do anything.  Regardless of what axis I change, the character is always in the same place. 

This doesn't actually have anything to do with animations, but yes I am using mecanim.

Can anyone confirm that character-hitboxsetup-transform-position is working? 

I try to edit these values and nothing happens. 

I believe this is a bug with UFE itself.  Can anyone confirm that this is or is not working with the newest version of UFE?

MrPonton wrote:

You'd probably need to set his default Y axis not Z axis.

So I try to change the default position in the hitbox setup in the character editor, but it doesn't seem to save.

I try to change the "Y" <b>position</b> and the character goes up in the air in the scene view, but when I click the apply changes button it simply doesn't save. 

The character isn't hovering in the air in the game.  The character spawns in stuck to the ground every time. 

What am I doing wrong?  Is this just another UFE bug?  How can I fix this?


(0 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

So I was getting a bunch of warning messages in my unity console.   I tried installing a fresh install of unity 2017.2.1f1 and a fresh install of UFE without other assets that could be causing a problem.  I'm still getting the same error messages, which means it must be bugs in UFE. 

UFE also doesn't seem to work with the newest release of Unity.

Here's my error log

"Unloading 10 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3035.
Total: 3.755829 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.277254 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.039400 ms MarkObjects: 3.416286 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.021438 ms)

Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 3.66 ms, found 4 plugins.
Preloading 2 native plugins for Editor in 0.42 ms.

----- Total AssetImport time: 3.111125s, AssetImport time: 3.062397s, Asset hashing: 0.043790s [29.3 MB, 668.060486 mb/s]

Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ... Refresh: elapses 0.048420 seconds (Nothing changed)
Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ... Refresh: elapses 0.047528 seconds (Nothing changed)
Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Text' for method 'MenuOptions.AddText' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Image' for method 'MenuOptions.AddImage' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Raw Image' for method 'MenuOptions.AddRawImage' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Button' for method 'MenuOptions.AddButton' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Toggle' for method 'MenuOptions.AddToggle' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Slider' for method 'MenuOptions.AddSlider' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Scrollbar' for method 'MenuOptions.AddScrollbar' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Input Field' for method 'MenuOptions.AddInputField' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Canvas' for method 'MenuOptions.AddCanvas' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Panel' for method 'MenuOptions.AddPanel' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Event System' for method 'MenuOptions.CreateEventSystem' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

<RI> Initialized touch support.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

Unloading 478 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 130.5 MB.
System memory in use after: 113.9 MB.

Unloading 2988 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3051.
Total: 6.729725 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.485847 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.278992 ms MarkObjects: 4.421588 ms  DeleteObjects: 1.542138 ms)

Opening scene 'Assets/UFE/Scenes/TrainingRoom.unity additively'
[00:06:11] Enlighten: Reflection Probes took 972.368304 seconds. Cancelled, so not done yet.

Packing sprites:
[    126 MB ]- Skipping packing - Sprite Packer (Legacy) is off.
[    126 MB ]Reloading assemblies for play mode.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 1.69 ms, found 4 plugins.
Preloading 2 native plugins for Editor in 0.40 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in  1.204 seconds
Initializing Unity.PackageManager (PackageManager) v2017.2.1 for Unity v2017.2.1f1
Registering platform support modules:
Registered platform support modules in: 0.0451529s.
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for Android target not found
Load scene 'Temp/__Backupscenes/0.backup' time: 0.349972 ms
Shader warmup: 44 shaders 28 combinations 0.005s
Load scene 'Temp/__Backupscenes/0.backup' time: 0.346785 ms
Unloading 439 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 116.9 MB.
System memory in use after: 117.3 MB.

Unloading 29 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 5998.
Total: 14.733025 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.510762 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.330271 ms MarkObjects: 13.845347 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.045484 ms)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Text' for method 'MenuOptions.AddText' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Image' for method 'MenuOptions.AddImage' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Raw Image' for method 'MenuOptions.AddRawImage' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Button' for method 'MenuOptions.AddButton' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Toggle' for method 'MenuOptions.AddToggle' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Slider' for method 'MenuOptions.AddSlider' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Scrollbar' for method 'MenuOptions.AddScrollbar' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Input Field' for method 'MenuOptions.AddInputField' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Canvas' for method 'MenuOptions.AddCanvas' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Panel' for method 'MenuOptions.AddPanel' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)

Cannot add menu item 'GameObject/UI/Event System' for method 'MenuOptions.CreateEventSystem' because a menu item with the same name already exists.

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Src/Commands/ScriptCommands.cpp Line: 145)


Is there a way to make a character that hovers slightly above the ground?  I don't mean flying I mean something like a simple hover  6" above the ground?

My attempts at adjusting the characters Z axis don't seem to actually do anything.  The character still starts each match glued to the plane.


(3 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I basically just duplicated the floor, raised the duplicate up, and boom instant ceiling.. Done.  It was super easy.


(3 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

So I have created an indoor stage for a fighting game.  The problem is that players do not seem to have any ceiling colliders, (or any sort of collision with any wall) 

What's the best way to make it so players can't fly out of the scene when they get kicked up past the ceiling?

Every stage has a left boundary and a right boundary.  How can I add a ceiling boundary?


(24 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I got my keyboard to function.  I'm ONLY using keyboard right now until I have my project 90% done, and then I'll buy a controller to make this game compatible with a controller. 

You have to rename all the buttons in the inputs area of your global config.

"Add a pre-configured Rewired Input Manager for Universal Fighting Engine to the scene from the menu:
Window -> Rewired -> Integration -> Universal Fighting Engine -> Create -> Rewired Input Manager
In the UFE Global Editor –> Input Options:
Set “Input Manager” to “Rewired”
Change the names of all inputs for both players to:
For the horizontal axis: “Horizontal”
For the vertical axis: “Vertical”
For each numbered button: “Button1”, “Button2”, “Button3”, “Button4”, “Button5”, “Button6”
For the Start button: “Start”
Be sure to remove the "p1" / "p2" prefix from the input names as Rewired does not use this. Both Player 1 and Player 2's input names should be identical."

Make sure there are no empty fields in your inputs area.  So for the buttons you not only have to use the drop down menu, but you also have to name that button "Button1" etc...

And to the UFE developer, this isn't a fix.  This is just a workaround for a bug that happens when you try to install control freak.


(24 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I found a cheap fix.  I installed the Rewired demo.  I took the time to set everything up correctly and now I can control my ingame characters again.

This doesn't 100% fix the problem, but it's good enough for me to test my new characters and stages. 

Ultimately after trying both Control Freak and Rewired, I believe that rewired is the better all around input asset.


(24 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

wolfoxyo wrote:

I tried to install the asset without Control Freak but it didn't work, too.

Yes, It's as if you install Control Freak just once UFE is just bugged and will not work again.


(24 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I get the same error messages.  I also have the same problem!  Is it a bug with UFE?


(12 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling unity, as well as creating a new project with a fresh copy of UFE, but still my fighters in game will not respond to keyboard commands. 

What's going on here?  Worked fine "before" I installed control freak.


(12 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Twrmois wrote:
Fighterman wrote:

I'm also having trouble with move controls.  I installed control freak, but when I try to choose "unity input manager" in the input settings in the global config my characters don't move.  Basically after I installed control freak I can no longer go back to just using the keyboard.

If you want to go back to using the Unity Input Manager there should be an option under Edit > Project Settings > UFE > Replace Unity InputManager that'll go back to the default input settings upon restarting your project.

You can also manually copy the project settings file that is stored within UFE in a zip file, more info in the link below


Yes, This is one of the first things I tried.  I also tried unzipping that projectsettings zip file into the folder it was in.  Does not work.

After installing control freak it seems it bugged out UFE so that you can not use the default keyboard controls. 

Basically have to start again from scratch. 

Maybe it's bugged in UFE or maybe it just me?  Not sure....

So how is rewired?  Can you quickly and easily switch between keyboard/gamepad in game using rewired?


(12 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I'm also having trouble with move controls.  I installed control freak, but when I try to choose "unity input manager" in the input settings in the global config my characters don't move.  Basically after I installed control freak I can no longer go back to just using the keyboard.

What do you guys think of this animation asset pack?
https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3 … -pro-64666
Are these decent quality animations?  Would they even work out of the box with UFE?
What animation asset packs are you using, if any?

You guys know where I could get some old timey bare knuckle boxing animations?