Try adjusting the execution conditions under Move Editor -> Player Conditions on the move file where you have your assist call located.
For example, you can toggle "Stunned" under the Possible States window to have the move be usable while the character is stunned, or select "Down" as the State option if you want the move to be used when the character is knocked down.
If you don't want the stun animation to be interrupted, make sure you don't have any animation clip assigned to that move.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Make sure the "blockable area" is set to at least a frame before your active hits begin. Then, make sure you have the proper values setup match the the character's current state.


(1 replies, posted in General)

This might be happening because of air hits.
By default, UFE templates have the "Air Recovery Type" set to "Don't Recover". That means that if the character is launched into the air, no matter the stun value, they will stay "stunned" until they hit the ground. To change this, go to Global Editor -> Combo Options -> Air Combos -> Air Recovery Type and set it to "Can't move" (if you want the character to air recover before hitting the ground and not getting knocked out) or "Allow Moves" (same, except the character can also execute moves):

You can also override this option independently under the Move's active frames (Override options):


(3 replies, posted in General)

Check your console window. Its probably telling you about missing animation or moves listed under the character's move set.

If that is not the case, check your move chains and make sure you have the "link condition" set to "hit confirm" and at least "On Strike" is toggled.


(2 replies, posted in 2D Gameplay)

Source version is required for this one.
Under ControlsScript.cs (line 2675 & 2676) change the code from this:

     new FPVector(hit._pushForce.x + (opControlsScript.Physics.airTime * opInfo.physics._friction), 0, 0), -GetDirection(), true);

To this:

myPhysicsScript.AddForce(new FPVector(hit._pushForce.x, 0, 0), -GetDirection(), true);

Im not entirely sure why I coded it that way. I'll revise and refactor this code segment on the next update.

I couldn't replicate your issue, however if you are having issues saving the character's transform data (position, rotation or scale), you can try opening the prefab file itself and save those changes from there.


(1 replies, posted in General)

Under the Unity menu Edit -> Project Settings -> Input Manager, look for P1Start and P2Start definitions and change the "Alt Positive" button to the relative Start button on your controller.

Each controller is different, so you need to find the right button that represents the "Start" button on your game controller. (Notice in the screenshot how "P1Button1" Alt Positive Button is set to "joystick button 0").

If you want a better Input system I recommend looking into the third party options.

You might need to know a bit of C# for that one.
Open the file DefaultBattleGUI.cs, and on the PlayerGUI declaration (line 10) add a new Alert definition:

public class PlayerGUI{
    public Text name;
    public Image portrait;
    public Image lifeBar;
    public Image[] gauges;
    public Image[] wonRoundsImages;
    public AlertGUI alert = new AlertGUI();
    public AlertGUI alert2 = new AlertGUI();

Now go to the function "OnNewAlert" (line 539) and create a condition to use the second alert instead of the first depending on what message the engine is firing.

On line 548 where it says:

this.player1GUI.alert.text.text = processedMessage;

Change it to something like this:

if (msg == UFE.config.selectedLanguage.counterHit)
    this.player1GUI.alert2.text.text = processedMessage;
    this.player1GUI.alert.text.text = processedMessage;

Make sure to do the same for the player2 conditions under the same function (OnNewAlert) and also make sure you open the BattleGUI prefab and assign a new text component to the new alert you've just created.


(2 replies, posted in General)

You've upgraded your project incorrectly.
Don't copy the files on top of an existing project. REPLACE the files instead (delete the old folder first). … _ufe_build


(1 replies, posted in 2D Gameplay)

First go to the PauseScreen prefab and disable both "Button_GoToSpecialMoves" (under PauseScreen>MainScreen>Background) and Button_SpecialMoves (PauseScreen>ControlsScreen>Background).

Now go to each button surrounding those and under "Button -> Navigation", make sure there are no references to those buttons you just disabled:


(1 replies, posted in Source Coding)

Merging two projects, specially the ones that replace Unity settings (such as UFE) can cause conflicts that we cannot predict or help with debugging.
I recommend trying to read and understand the console errors first, or perhaps seek professional help in our Jobs forum or Discord.

As for a Beat'em up style gameplay, its one of our milestones on UFE 3. Stay tunned for news about its release.


(5 replies, posted in Source Coding)

Crux-Actual wrote:

Dear Mistermind.

A small update , for the first time ive been able to get the replay tool to correctly trigger during a match however I wasn't able to generate the logs for comparrison as the mouse cursor was disabled.  We have it set this way by default but I added ->
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
Cursor.visible = true;

Around line 1350 of the FluxCapacitor.cs
Just underneath where it says

UFE.replayMode.SetStartingFrame(UFE.currentFrame - UFE.replayMode.GetBufferSize(1), 1);
UFE.replayMode.enableControls = true;
UFE.replayMode.enablePlayerControl = false;
UFE.replayMode.enableRecording = false;

Is this the correct place?  If I need to do anything else to re-enable the mouse, please let me know.

Have you tried searching around all of your scripts to see who is disabling the mouse cursor in the first place? It could be a custom script you've added to your project that is causing it. To do so, open Visual Studios and use the "Find and Replace" command (Ctrl + Shift + F) to search for any script that could be doing this:

Also, if you are not entirely sure how the synchronization system works, I recommend not changing the core files. Adding functionality or modifying certain core behaviors can absolutely cause desyncs.

What type of game are you trying to make? a 2D fighter with 3D models or a 3D fighter style? Have you tried just using the templates and comparing changes made to the original demos? That can help you narrow down where the desyncs are coming from.


(5 replies, posted in Source Coding)

I dont think the mouse pointer issue is related to UFE. Maybe its another script that is causing it.
As for your network issues, look into the following:
- Watch the videos about desync and replay tools
- Run the animation mapper on all of your characters
- Make sure the characters have  "Use Animation Maps" toggled under Character Editor -> Move Editor
- Under Global Editor -> Network -> Synchronization Test, make sure the desync action is set to "Playback Tool" so you can better analyze and discover the causes for your desyncs.
- For benchmark purposes, test the demo characters as well. If you are using legacy animations, test the Mike character, otherwise use Robot Kyle, Ethan or Mecanim Bot. Characters entirely built using custom hitboxes dont need the animation mapper.
- If the error persists and you cant find the cause, try documenting your findings in the forum. The more data you can share the easier it is to find the cause, and the more tests you make the easier it will be to narrow down the problem and replicate the issue. Record videos, take screenshots, write down console errors. The best person to find the solution is most likely going to be you.


(20 replies, posted in General)

0massimo0 wrote:

We are waiting for the big announcement about UFE 3

Storm87 wrote:

Everyone on the edge of there seats now. smile

I was going to make an announcement right after this release, but we decided on the last minute to make one last big refactor to the code just before the beta invitation.
This refactor will most likely change how a lot of the game data is set and stored, meaning if we begin the invitation too early this might cause some data loss due to this update, so just hang on for just a couple more weeks!


(1 replies, posted in General)

Fixed on version 2.5.3
It was an issue with one of the template files (


(3 replies, posted in General)

Fixed on version 2.5.3
It was an issue with one of the template files (

Here this should help:


(2 replies, posted in General)

Render pipelines are related to Materials, not code. Its not an UFE issue.
What you are probably referring to are the demo templates that comes with UFE (characters, particles and stages).

Here, this should help you: … -HDRP.html

Find the materials related to the templates you want to use and upgrade them.
For example, you can find the materials for the Training Room stage under UFE\Demos\Shared_Assets\Stages\TrainingRoom2D\Materials.


(20 replies, posted in General)

All licenses are now up to date.

Issue confirmed. Will look into it and fix it before releasing the next update (2.5.3)


(20 replies, posted in General)

How to update your UFE build: … _ufe_build

Update/upgrade tutorial:

- Added new option under Move Editor -> Projectiles: Follow Caster
- Added option "Spin Around Character" when "Follow Character" is toggled under Move Editor -> Projectiles
- Added new move to Mecanim Bot and Suzan: Spinning Orbs (Down + Forward Btn 1/2, cost 2 bars, creates two spinning orbs around character)
- Refactored and fixed issues introduced to Legacy Animation Control (LegacyControl.cs) from previous update
- Fixed issue with deterioration code being applied on the first hit of the combo
- Fixed combo hits so it accounts for hits done to assists
- Fixed issue on Hitbox Editor where the field names would not align with the active frames column
- Refactored debugger text to be an attachable game object
- Refactored Opponent Override's "Move To Position" option
- Added "Force Grounded" to Opponent Override
- Added option to use resource path instead of character prefab for character preview under Move files and Hitbox Editor
- Changed "Maximum Bounces" value type from Fix64 to int (value reset)
- Added a warning when a move being linked is not listed under the character's move set
- Fixed issue where using the "Prefab" option under Move Editor -> Cinematic Options would not terminate after duration ends
- Fixed "Mirror on P2 side" for particles spawned under Move Editor
- Projectile collision and blockable area detection refactored into FluxCapacitor's update cycle
- "Preview All Hitboxes" is now true by default on HitboxScript (Displays both Blockable Area and Collision Mass)
- Fixed multiple blockable area values through out move templates (blockable area must be set at least 1 frame before the hit)
- Fixed issue with Story Mode Demo (TextureConversationBeforeBattleScreen delay was set to 0)

Store links:
* Source *
- Payhip
- Asset Store

* PRO *
- Payhip
- Asset Store

* Standard *
- Payhip
- Asset Store

* Basic *
- Payhip
- Asset Store

* Lite *
- Payhip
- Asset Store

Previous update topics:

It could be a few things:
- Are you using animation maps (PRO/Source license)? If so, go to Character Editor -> Move Sets and untoggle "Use Animation Maps".
- Do you see any errors in your console window? If so, what are they?
- Maybe the ground hitbox value is too high. Try reducing the value for Ground Collision Mass under Character Editor -> Physics.
- While the game is running, under the Scene view, toggle the Gizmos visibility for HitboxScript and see if there is anything odd with them (like position displacement). Take a screenshot and post it here.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Storm87 wrote:

great update. any idea when ufe 3 will be available? thx in advance. smile

I'm hoping to release the new update (2.5.3) within this week followed by a big announcement on UFE 3. Stay tuned!

A feature like this is not as easy as it sounds. You need to deconstruct a lot of interfaces on UFE 2 to achieve that.
I actually already built an interface like that for UFE 3, but its currently a work in progress (Photon only).

UFE 3 will initially be available for Tier 4 Patreon only (Must have UFE 2 Source and be a Tier 4 Patreon).
I should have an official announcement and invitation rules on UFE 3 next week. Stay tuned.


(10 replies, posted in General)

I figured out the issue. If you have your animations mapped and the "use animation maps" toggled, changing the order or references in the afk clip list will cause the animations to freeze. The solution is to run the animation mapper every time you make changes to these animations.

There were also issues some issues with the legacy animation control that were causing certain animations to not link back into idle, so if the fix above doesn't work for you just wait a bit as I'll release a patch very soon.