(5 replies, posted in General)

Just signed into the asset store, and saw the upgrade price. It's very fair


(5 replies, posted in General)

christougher wrote:
KRGraphics wrote:

This is great news. I'm still on UFE 1 and looking to  upgrade soon.

Yes weren't you interested in loading scenes instead of stage prefabs for the lighting?  It looks like that's implemented, although I hadn't really tried it myself

I am still interested. Just haven't had time to work on my game lately... doing pipeline and technological upgrades.

I wonder if these pricing changes wil reflect the upgrade path too. I'm on UFE Pro


(5 replies, posted in General)

This is great news. I'm still on UFE 1 and looking to  upgrade soon.


(46 replies, posted in General)

I'm happy to hear that


(46 replies, posted in General)

Hey, guys. I'm looking to upgrade to UFE 2.0 source and I'm wondering if I have to buy Fuzzy AI separately. I'm upgrading from UFE 1.0 PRO


(13 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Awesome work on UFE 2.0...and I like the better pricing model. My questions are: Will I be able to use GI with this? And are the physics scalable? Such as I can keep my levels and assets real world scale. Making my objects 10x their size is not ideal and I have to work harder to light them. And we should have an option to use Unity scenes as levels and not just prefabd.


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Steviebops wrote:

I can confirm this works, and by adding a few lines in, similar to the skybox code, you can also swap your PostProcessing Profiles for each level smile

This is great. Just need to figure this out. And clean up my Unity scenes as well


(31 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Steviebops wrote:
KRGraphics wrote:

I also hope 2.0 fixes the issue where because levels are dependent on prefabs, you can't use reflection probes or Advanced GI (Which has frustrated me the most about your asset). And it requires source to add the ability to load the .unity file (which most unity games do), that has EVERYTHING I set, including the UFE camera.

I do understand it's to keep the build size small... but I have a lot of per level settings and visual effects (and post effects) that I would end up scripting to load on camera whenever the level loads.

Have you checked out this topic

It's a working solution to load everything you need in a separate scene.

I'll take a look


(31 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I also hope 2.0 fixes the issue where because levels are dependent on prefabs, you can't use reflection probes or Advanced GI (Which has frustrated me the most about your asset). And it requires source to add the ability to load the .unity file (which most unity games do), that has EVERYTHING I set, including the UFE camera.

I do understand it's to keep the build size small... but I have a lot of per level settings and visual effects (and post effects) that I would end up scripting to load on camera whenever the level loads.


(31 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I'm definitely interested in the upgrade pricing, especially for those who have invested a lot of time in making games with this.

And 1500 is A LOT for a single person... especially if I need certain changes to be added and it will require a source version to make those changes.


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Bump. Is this working in standalone??


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

And I'm guessing, I just have to make sure it works in the standalone.


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I'll have to try this out now. Thank you


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

And once you guy get this sorted, I can try it. I am surprised this has been an omission for SO LONG


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Steviebops wrote:
if (UFE.config.preloadStage) {
            switch (UFE.config.selectedStage.stageName) {
            case "Your Stage Name":
                stageScene = "YourSceneName";
            UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync (stageScene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode.Additive);
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            //SearchAndCastGameObject(UFE.config.selectedStage, warmTimer);
            if (UFE.config.debugOptions.preloadedObjects) Debug.Log("Stage Loaded");

I can't seem to get this working. No errors on the code, but it won't load the new scene for me, it just stays in whatever scene Im in.

That sucks. I'm glad I haven't tried it yet...


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

soonk wrote:

I haven't touched that, no; I just got our project updated to 2017.3 after being stuck on 5.6 for a long time.

Dude, it's FREAKING AWESOME big_smile


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

soonk wrote:

Don't overthink it. Just create a new Enviro prefab for each stage and give it the settings you want. Keep that prefab in the stage scene and it'll load with the rest of it. Make sure you set Enviro to grab the camera on runtime using the MainCamera tag.

I already have and it works. This is for more or less interior levels that I can't save GI with... have you played with the Post Processing Behaviours in Unity 2017? I want to swap out profiles for each stage...


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

For some of my outdoor levels, I'm using Enviro for outdoor lighting (which is awesome btw) and with this code, it should load. I already have a script that applies my skybox. And to complicate things, I have post effects profiles for each level too, so I will have to figure out how to apply this to each stage.

Maybe we can add this to the global stage options... would make this A HELL of a lot easier.


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Well, if this could be shown to me, then my lighting issues are pretty much solved... I basically want to use the Unity scene on level load instead of the prefab.

What about existing cameras in these scenes?


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

soonk wrote:

Save the stage in it's own scene with the lighting baked in that scene. Load the scene in addition to the main scene and it'll work the way you want.

How is this possible with UFE? The levels are all prefabs, remember?


(35 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Hey, guys. So I'm bumping this topic (again) because I'm trying to light my levels using the progressive lightmapper, and because of the prefab nature of the levels, you can't save the lighting data. And I can prove this by building my GI, and playing a standalone build and I lose all of my lighting.

There is a script that saves light maps to prefabs but it doesn't save light probes, which levels in .unity extension DOES, per level. So how will you rectify this? I'm using GI extensively in my game and without my lighting data, the game will not look correct. I'm also using PBR, so having GI helps.

Having levels in .unity format would alleviate this as is saves all of the lighting info. Please keep this in mind.


(3 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

I think I removed the script long ago... I'll try this when I get home


(2 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

My game play style is like Tekken, so I'm down


(3 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Hey, guys... I am not a programmer, but I am having some issues with trying to use an asset in my project, and I can't use that asset because something in UFE is interfering with it. I am trying to use Enviro with UFE and I am getting errors about the "gradient" namespace. Obviously, I don't have source yet and I would have to remove Enviro completely to get everything back in order.

Is it possible to add all of the namespaces?


(7 replies, posted in Showcase)

I will admit, it was amusing... and a great reminder what NOT to do